We must expose the right-wing extremeist Policies of McCain & Palin as the Mainstream Media is completely failing to do its job (as usual).
In 8 weeks, the election will be over. Progressives everywhere need to go all out and do everything we can to help the Democrats win in November.
Writing to Newspapers, the MSM, and Conservative websites will help to spread the message to independents and undecideds.
Why does the Media keeps describing John McCain as an "independent maverick" when he is running a campaign straight out of the Bush/ Cheney/ Rove Playbook gutter ? No pander, lie or smear is beyond the new John McCain - this McCain is a creation of Steve Schmidt, Karl Rove's protégé. McCain's campaign is dominated by lobbyists and McCain no longer bothers about Climate Change, the Environment, Immigration Reform, banning 527's, Human Rights etc. Indeed this McCain is a cynical, devious rabid right -wing conservatives who will say or do anything. He has little integrity or left.
Why is the Media letting him get away with everything like they did with Bush & Cheney in 2000 & 2004 ?
The Media helped elect Bush and Cheney, then broadcast White House propaganda for years, sold the Iraq War, helped swiftboat john Kerry, let Rove/ Libby/ Alberto Gonzales get away with corruption and widespread abuses of power. Will the Mainstream Media do its job over the next two months and hold the Republicans to account and stop broadcasting every thing they say as factual truth ? Or will the Media simply fall into line and do what Rick Davis, Sean Hannity and Steve Schmidt tells it to do ?
McCain has had four incidents of the deadly Melanoma skin cancer and could easily die within the next two years.
What would this mean for the Country ? We would then be left with a far-right fundamentalist redneck in Sarah Palin as President whose policies are far more extreme than Bush and Cheney combined. Why isn't the Media asking these vital questions on behalf of the Voters ?
Brave New Films has created brilliant videos exposing the Real John McCain, not the false image of McCain propagated by in the Media.
The Real McCain 2: Watch as McCain's YouTube problem became his nightmare in the video that received over 4 million views.
Less Jobs. More Wars: What is this 'Iraq war' charge on my bill?
John McCain vs. John McCain: Tell McCain to get off the Double Talk Express.
McCain's Spiritual Guide: The video that caused McCain to renounce Rev. Rod Parsley's bigoted endorsement.
Why Won't McCain Sign the GI Bill? Presenting the most blatant hypocrisy of the McCain campaign.
The McCain Truth Squad: http://therealmccain.com/...
The Real McCain is an elitist out of touch with hard-working Americans; a double talker who supports a costly war in Iraq but won't support our veterans.
This is the McCain everyone should know. Your Viewers should be told the TRUTH about this Guy before November 4th.