I recently posted an entry about Dean's horrible PR week and what I felt it meant about his general election chances. It got a fair number of responses from the Dean supporters, some of them sensible, others not so much.
I never suggested you should not vote for Dean in your primary or that you should stop supporting Dean all together. We all choose who to support for a number of reasons and if Dean is your guy, and you believe he has what it takes to win you should stick with him to the end.
I don't think he can win. No Democrat who wasn't from the South has won in this country since 1960. Most of you assumed that when I was "bashing" Dean that meant I was a Kerry backer. I'm not. Though I do believe John Kerry chances against Dubya are much better than Dean's.
The RNC and right-wing political machine will paint them both with the same brush. "Northeast snob, liberal, weak..." yadda, yadda, yadda. But who do you think that will affect more in places like Tennessee or Arizona? Kerry, who has virtually every medal this country can give to a soldier, or Dean? The (sad) fact of the matter is that winning the Presidency is a lot less about policy these days than the person himself.
I didn't make mention once of Kerry in my previous entry and right now I'm not behind any one candidate in particular. But the fact that I see "Kerry is a liar, weasel, big piece of crap" posted all over the message boards here is ridiculous. He wants to beat George Bush as bad as Dean does. What's more, you can accuse any candidate of "lying." People say things and change their minds later. Dean has done it. So has Edwards, Clark, and the rest.
Finally, I'll put up some possible tickets. I'd like to see what everyone here thinks would be our strongest ticket.
*Disclaimer: I'm totally pulling these out of my ass.