What? What'd I say?
Via Think Progress here's a story in The Hill on some particularly childish foot-stomping by Sens. David Vitter (R-LA) and Tom Coburn (R-OK):
Sens. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) and David Vitter (R-La.) are preparing an amendment to force members of Congress into any public option health plan that becomes law, frustrating at least one Senate Democrat who wants to join the effort.
Sen. Sherrod Brown (Ohio) said he is trying to co-sponsor the amendment — but that Coburn and Vitter won’t let him. Coburn and Vitter are planning to offer the amendment during the Senate floor debate on healthcare reform.
That's some pretty cheesy stuff right there from the Republicans. But Brown isn't without recourse. Adding cosponsors normally requires a unanimous consent request be made on the floor. Brown should consider objecting to the addition of any more cosponsors from the Republican side until Vitter stops wetting himself over the prospect of Democrats agreeing with him.
But maybe he just doesn't want to stop wetting himself, for some reason. Whatever that might be.
PRE-PUBLICATION UPDATE: Well, nevermind. Brown just took care of the situation himself, by asking unanimous consent to be added as a cosponsor. And the Republicans either gave up, or didn't know what the hell he was doing. There was no objection, and so that's that.
Vitter and Coburn looking out of the loop and friendless. Shocker.
UPDATE 2: Senators Dodd and Mikulski join in the fun. Everybody into the pool!