Don't know if anyone's had the chance to check out the Newsweek head-to-head matchup polls posted at
All of the candidates are totally breathing down Bush's neck, and in Kerry's case, they're ahead. (Wait until the SCLM gets their hands on him!) Some samples:
Bush 46
Kerry 49
Bush 49
Edwards 46
Bush 50
Dean 45
Bush 48
Clark 47
And this is all before Bush's arrow-like downward trajectory in the polls, brought on by (here we go!) a jobless "recovery," a lame-ass and divisive SOTU speech (steroids, anyone?), various scandalous murmurings of the Valarie Plame variety, the quickly receding memory of Saddam's capture, the egregious fiasco that is the current Iraqi occupation, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. . . .
So, like, what inevitability?
Not to mention, this is after the media have harped relentlessly on the subject of the Dem candidates' ostensible weaknesses, and their "hopelessly" fractious and divided party. When are we going to wake up and realize that in spite of the most flattering press coverage in recent presidential history, an almost Orwellian consensus surrounding the Dubya Dauphin ("chocolate rations are up!"), this guy still can't hold his own. It's time to puncture the myth of inevitablity for good.
BTW, I'm reading dKos's NH primaries coverage from the frigidity of the Canadian Martimes. I bow in solidarity to our frozen New England friends to the south. (If your pipes freeze up, keep the cold water trickling a bit!)