This may be some of the funniest shit I've read in ages. It goes like this: we are so scared of a couple dozen wingnuts getting together to teabag, that a shadowy conspiracy of saboteurs and billionaires are conspiring to disrupt their kinky sex parties powerful protests.
So we essentially have a bevy of pundit-wannabes courageously spurring brigades of like-minded folks into a new American revolution that will stem back the tides of socialism unleashed by the foreign-born communist and gun-grabber in the White House, all of it in the face of a powerful cabal fearful of what might happen if some people got together to wave tea bags. Or something like that -- coherence isn't their strongest suit. Neither is reality.
For the next 9 days, the left-wing blogosphere and left-wing clueless pundits will hammer away with their unreality-based Tea Party smears.
And on the ground, the tax-subsidized and Soros-subsidized troops are going to try and wreak havoc every way they can. Many readers and fellow bloggers have seen signs that ACORN may send in ringers and saboteurs to usurp the anti-tax, anti-reckless spending, anti-bailout message.
Soros? ACORN? Huh? Thers explains:
Why must [George Soros] be constantly spending his vast ill-gotten fortune in a secretive and shadowy fashion in order to spread rumors and lies that there is some shadowy secretive conspiracy behind the actions of political opponents? He's always doing that. Fortunately Malkin is above such tactics, and duly provides proof of the Soros-ACORN sabotage-scheme, in the form of a link to a blog that links to a message board where a random commenter says that ACORN is up to no good. CASE CLOSED. I mean, obviously this is not just paranoid gibberish; the commenter certainly sounds like she's very calm, collected, and sensible:
And, yes, that is a real link to an online Christmas Ornament shopping site, one that does indeed sell pepper spray, although, regrettably, this pepper spray is not holiday-themed.
Ahh. Ok. So the "signs" some people are "seeing" are in reality the paranoid voices in their heads. Seems pretty airtight a case, no matter how much ACORN's director says, "huh?" Playing dumb would certainly be part of ACORN's dastardly plan! And it would similarly be part of the White House's plan, which according to the delusional wingers, is also in on the plan with Nixonian schemes to disrupt the winger gatherings and deprive the world of fantastic comic relief.
Now if there was truly a nefarious ACORN/Soros plot to disrupt the teabaggers, I'd be the first to fight back against those efforts. Why deny ourselves such comedy gold? Every time they gather in public places, we get material like this to work with:
So build your papier-mâché tea bags, wingers! We can never laugh enough at your expense.
Still, there's something a little bit off kilter about this whole craziness, and I think Atrios figured it out:
I was talking with BooMan tonight about how dumb and empty right wing bloggers are these days. I suggested that the equivalent on our side would have been if in 2003 left wing bloggers spent all their time talking about their designs for the giant puppets they were going to bring to the anti-war demonstrations.
Yup, that's it. Back in our early years, we had better things to do with our time, like organizing for upcoming elections -- the things that actually matter in our modern political system. But the wingers have never been much for electoral organizing, what with their dreams of becoming the next Rush-Limbaugh style media sensation. Their single-minded obsession with punditry leaves little room for the hard work of fighting for an electorally viable Republican Party. And given that it's their ideology specifically that has made them toxic to the voters, they'd have to come up with ideas and whatnot. That wouldn't exactly play to their strengths, know what I'm saying? I mean, their best idea right now is to wave tea bags.
So the poor saps at the Next Right -- the closest thing on the Right they have to what we were doing back in 2002 -- are pretty much ignored and marginalized, while the rest of the conservative netroots is reading from Code Pink's playbook, working hard to replicate their stunning failure at relevancy.
Bizarre, but hilarious.