Update: To see a state by state list on what you can do to promote Marriage Equality scroll to end of post :)
My friend,Blitzy, shared a story with me -
Last week, Tuesday at 7am, two New Yorkers named Al and Chas finally went to bed, after the first night they had ever spent together. The labor of love that had kept them up through the night was of course Marriage Equality, or rather a new website devoted to bringing marriage equality to New York State: www.newyorkequality.com. Al Benninghoff, 28 and Chas Danner, 30 are part of the leadership team at the Manhattan Young Democrats (everyone call’s it MYD), and they’re straight (not that there’s anything wrong with that).
and so I decided to help in whatever small way I could.
blitzy: thanks for connecting w/ jenny, emailing shortly
me: cool. Her show starts at noon so may be a little bit before you hear back.
Good luck!
blitzy: ok thanks
8:34 AM we have a whole 2nd phase of things for next week in the works
and we've looped in all the obama ny organizing alumni to help us out
we might get a field operation going
me: awesome.
8:36 AM blitzy: we're going big on tuesday with press and such
we're going to hit the ground running, its good we have the long weekend to get it all in order
Here's how it went:
<script></script><noscript>Embedded video from CNN Video</noscript>
This was Blitzy’s first time doing something teevee-ish. I think she was awesome! Blitzy (Julie) is straight, btw (not that there is anything wrong with that).
(note: anyone know how to make the CNN video work? It is totally worth the watch.)
Not long after the show, the horrifying but not very surprising ruling came down on Proposition 8.
RT @McCainBlogette Seriously California, what the fuck? I can't believe the ban was upheld...we have to keep fighting!!! Gay marriage will be passed!!!
Meghan is straight (not that there is anything wrong with that - although the Republican thing is kinda icky).
So I tuned into Daily Kos knowing Adam B a straight dude, (not that there is anything wrong with that) would have his analysis up.
Today's California Supreme Court decision did not concern gay marriage and equal protection directly; instead, the issue was self-governance itself.
I'm not a scholar of California law, but this (mostly) makes sense to me as a matter of structural analysis: the California Constitution allocates We, The California People large powers of self-governance, and (as opposed to the federal constitution) they have a large and powerful role to play in an ongoing conversation with the courts, the legislature and the Governor in the shape of constitutional governance. Given this structure, the majority goes, it's not for courts to say what The People shouldn't do with that power; the problem is the scope of the power itself.
I don't like the outcome of this decision one bit. But this conversation -- between the legislature, the courts, the executive branch and the People -- is far from over, as the California Supreme Court acknowledges. Indeed, the fight to repeal Prop 8 has already begun...
And so I followed the link and learned what the Courage Campaign was up to
To repeal Prop 8 we have to work our asses off...
Dear Eden,
I'm writing a diary tomorrow about the Marriage Eqality movement. The title will be Straight vs. Narrow and it is about how straight people are important to the movement. I want to encourage people to do what they can in their own states, to remember that while the compelling story is about our LGBT brothers and sisters, this is also about all of us and the kind of world we want to live in.
Anyway, I’d like to plug the Courage Campaign. Can you help me out?
I would love to help you, Gina, bandwidth willing (I'm drowning right now).
I care deeply about bringing more straight allies into the movement. People like Charlize Theron, who stepped up to support the Courage Campaign's promotion of "Meet in the Middle for Equality" -- a major rally of thousands of people, gay and straight alike, coming up on Saturday in Fresno.
As Charlize wrote: "We know the people whose lives are on the line - those who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender - will be there. But we need everyone there. Especially straight people."
And, oh by the way, I'm *straight and getting married to my fiancee on September 12. Kind of bittersweet, all things considered :-(
*(not that there is anything wrong with that)
Actually, Eden, what you just said is great. May I quote you?
link to this:
Watch the Fidelity TV Ad
and/or this:
Sign the Petition
that would be swell.
UPDATE:Eden on Meet in the Middle for Equalityand the mission-critical importance of bringing straight allies into the movement.
Our parent’s generation grew up during a time where there were fewer choices. You lived in a particular neighborhood with boundaries drawn by race and class, you went to a neighborhood school with kids just like yourself and that was your circle of friends, you shopped in your own neighborhoods or, for a special occasion, downtown. You went to the church your parents went to, etc. For our parents and grandparents, their community and culture were chosen for them, passed down from one generation to the next.
Our generation has grown up with more choices, not just where to shop and where to live, but also with different opportunities for building friendships, who to date, and how to define community. We have grown up with gay friends and have worked with openly gay colleagues.
And so I imagine you feel the way I do - you don’t want a government that would limit your own choices of who to marry any more than you would want government to do that to someone else. You may be straight (not that there is anything wrong with that) or not, but you are certainly not narrow.
With that, it is up to all of us to build the kind of world we want to live in. Let's get to work!
Please note in the comments Marriage Equity initiatives that are in your community and I will update this diary with links organized by state. We all have to work together to end this shameful discrimination, and it starts and ends with each other, with more organizing.
Bent Alaska
Equality Arizona
NWA Center for Equality
Courage Campaign
Meet in the Middle for Equality
Unitarian Universalists legislative ministry
Equality Florida
and their blog
Georgia Equality
Equality Illinois
Join The Impact Chicago
Kansas Equality Coalition
Kentucky Equality Federation
Maine (yes, they are still fighting the good fight!)
Equality Maine
Equality Maryland
Outfront Minnesota
New York
New Yorkers for Marriage Equality on Facebook
Tweet using the hashtag #nyequality
Manhattan Young Democrats on Twitter @gomyd
North Carolina
Equality North Carolina
North Dakota
Equality North Dakota
Equality Ohio
Oklahomans for Equality
Basic Rights Oregon
South Carolina
South Carolina Equality Coalition
South Dakota
Equality South Dakota
Tennessee Equality Project
Follow on Twitter
Equality Texas
PFLAG Houston
Foundation for Family and Marriage Equality
Equality Utah
Equality Virginia
Equal Rights Washington
Washington DC
DC For Marriage
West Virginia
Fairness West Virginia
Fair Wisconsin
Atticus Circle