MAIN ARTICLE: Expanding Growth For Satellite Market.
Poll Results: The poll yesterday had a lower than average turnout and a one sided finish.
Star Trek: In the News. Black not Mudd
Yesterday's Comments: "Yeah I mean, if that's God, my reaction will be, "For God's sake, God, grow the fuck up!" - Socratic
Today's Poll: No poll. See the bottom section.
I have said it before and I will say it again. Space spells jobs. At a time when America is losing jobs, it is the exact time for industrializing commercial space for the 21st century.
Big Growth In The World Satellite Market Over The Next Ten Years
"Euroconsult has announced that an estimated 1,185 satellites will be built and launched for the period 2009-2018, an increase of about 50% compared to the previous decade (1999-2008).
Market revenues generated from the manufacturing and launch of these satellites are forecast to grow by the same rate, reaching $178 billion for the period 2009-2018 according to Euroconsult's just-released "Satellites to be Built and Launched by 2018, World Market Survey."
Both the government and commercial sectors will contribute to this market growth, albeit unequally, according to Rachel Villain, the editor of the Survey and the Director for Space and Communications at Euroconsult. "The ongoing global economic crisis will have a limited impact on the industry.
"Governments around the world remain committed to space technology development and only a small number of commercial satellite operators with business or financing issues will be affected by the downturn."
Governments drive future satellite demand - particularly for civilian applications Civilian and military government agencies will launch a combined 770 satellites in the next decade, a 55% unit increase over the past ten years. Two-thirds of these satellites will be for civilian or dual use. Civil satellites represent a higher proportion of government satellites than the previous decade."

Black Not Mudd
"In spite of rumors to the contrary, Jack Black won't be playing Harry Mudd in Star Trek XII.
As reported by Ain't It Cool News, an inquiry to J.J. Abrams resulted in the following response. "Yes, talking to Jack Black about doing something, but not Mudd."
Abrams admitted to casual conversations about Star Trek XII with those to be involved in its creation/production, but nothing formal has begun in the way of discussion. "Bryan, Damon, Alex and Bob and I have not had meeting one about a sequel," said Abrams. "Brief, casual, blue-sky conversations, of course. But 'okay, what's next for The Crew?' Not a meeting. So any character decisions, let alone actor discussions, feel like a ways away."
Then Abrams took a poke at those who had criticized his plentiful use of lens flares in Star Trek XI. "I can tell you one thing," he said. "For the sequel? I think we should have a shitload more lens flares."
To read the article, head to the link located here."
--end quote--
"thank you for that link! head just exploded in a good way, obviously.
Could these supermassive galacto-centric black holes possibly account for what astrophysicists have been postulating as 'dark matter'? Just wondering - I am not a scientist. Cheers." - ericlewis0

Submitted to the comments section by JekyllnHyde.
[NOTE: My brother passed away and tons of relatives and the funeral are going to keep me busy for a week or so ... Will be back soon with more of your daily space news.]
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