I've been gone a loooong time. I checked out, in disgust, when I realized that the war criminals, traitors, spies, nuclear black marketeers, heroin dealers, corporate gangsters, and self-appointed aristocrats weren't going to be prosecuted for their numerous racketeering operations, war crimes, felonies and usurptions of power.
The Bush Administration committed the Crime Against Peace by invading and occupying and then looting and terrorizing a whole country. Then they claimed that ethnic cleansing (the-ahem!-surge) was a brilliant counterinsurgency strategy that Democrats had to admit was effective.
Worse, the Bush Administration adopted the Nazi's propaganda methods, interrogation methods, and theories of executive government and went on a worldwide rampage, setting up secret torture prisons, engaging in international kidnapping, prisoner ghosting, and mass murder. They did all of this in secret and foiled our entire constitutional system of checks and balances with absurd claims of anti-republican and unconstitutional powers.
Worse, the Bush Administration simultaneously seized control of the US military and launched an illegal war, articulated machiavellian legal theories to defend a whole body of unconstitutional secret laws, and claimed that the president was exercising extra-jurisdictional Article II powers derived from the constitution, to which the constitution didn't apply.
Bush's Attorney General, Gonzales, claimed, before the US Senate, that the default legal status of habeas corpus was that it applied at the president's discretion.
Never in our history have we had a bolder usurption and abuse of powers by anti-republican radicals. Never in our history have we had an executive branch willfully and deliberately scorning the rule of law in favor of racketeering, abuse of power and brazen and systematic treachery and felonies.
Every single one of the officials in the top two tiers of the Bush Adnistration should be on trial. Several of them should be prosecuted seeking the death penalty.
But now let's come to it, shall we? How about Tim Geithner? TAX CHEAT? Eh? They didn't check that when he was appointed to the head of the NY Federal Reserve? This man, and several other corporate gangsters, engineered a heist of over 2 trillion dollars in the past year.
Read my diaries. I've told you how to deal with the corporate gangsters. They operate on borrowed power. OUR power. Know it. Understand it. ACT UPON IT.
Any one of the problems you wish to solve have a common obstacle: the unconstitutional, anti-republican, aristocratic system of power created by the abuses of the corporate charter.
Global warming? Gotta change the corporate system. Energy? Gotta change the corporate system. Corruption? Gotta change the corporate system. Stolen elections? Gotta change the corporate system. Nuclear black market? Gotta change the corporate system. And so on.
Unlike others who counsel this, I have an ACTUAL PROGRAM OF REFORM to propose. I have a method to reform the system, and I have a system of checks and balances that WILL preserve capitalism and WILL restrain corruption.
Mark me well: These reforms I propose WILL be enacted, sooner or later, because there is no other choice. YOU have the choice of supporting and working to put them in place now, or waiting and letting the federal government FAIL to restrain the corporate system, which puts us on track for a bloody civil war in our lifetime.
If Obama sets the precedent for corporate-goverment merger, the republic is DOOMED. We're being offered a choice between two kinds of tyranny, and the corporate aristocracy wins under both of them. There is another choice. A choice which preserves capitalism, democracy, republican government, free markets, and the rule of law.
When corporations presume to act with authority, ask the question: QUO WARRANTO? Literally, it means, "by what authority?" Corporate charters are granted, and can be revoked, by the authority of The People. Those who pretend to be our sovereigns, these self-appointed aristocrats, have no authority if we so desire. What's your pleasure, citizen?