If you live in Southwestern Ohio, there is an event for you to attend on Tuesday (August 18) in Moraine (near Dayton).
It is a "honk and wave" which is being organized by one of our fantastic local neighborhood captains in Beavercreek. This event is only one hour, and it is a peaceful protest on public sidewalks. The Dayton Tea Party is hosting a "Health Care Town Hall Meeting" at the Mandalay Banquet Center at
2700 E River Rd
Moraine, OH 45439
This event is described as being specifically for "doctors, nurse, and administrators" to learn about the healthcare reform options being discussed by Congress and President Obama right now. It makes me laugh to imagine the Tea Party "edcuating" healthcare professionals about anything, but I suppose there are enough who will fall for it!
I personally cannot make it to the event because I will be in Northern Ohio for the week, but I have made several pro-reform posters for attendees to carry, and our organizer will pass them out at the protest. I am regretful that I can't be there, but I really hope someone sees this and decides to take my place!
The Tea Party's forum is from six until eight, so we are asking our protesters to be on the sidewalk from 5 to 6 p.m.
The event is also listed on the mybarackobama website, so it would be great if you could RSVP. There are only nine people registered so far, and surely there will be more teabaggers than that.
Thanks for reading my little plug. I know this doesn't apply to most people, but I think I would appreciate it if events like this were brought to my attention like this more often, so I figured it would be worth a try. Hope you can make it!