The latest example of domestic terrorism has claimed at least three innocent lives and has left another nine innocents injured, amongst them the shooter's ex-girlfriend and the pregnant instructor. However, the more we find out about George Sodini(who took his own life), the more familiarity we come across.
Below the jump for more details.
Incredibly, Sodini tried the same thing before but "chickened out" as he put it. He wrote about his preparation leading up to last night's carnage. Here are some of his ramblings;
"Maybe soon, I will see God and Jesus. At least that is what I was told. Eternal life does NOT depend on works. If it did, we will all be in hell," Sodini apparently wrote, before adding later, "I was reading the Bible and The Integrity of God beginning yesterday, because soon I will see them."
I'm sorry to tell you, sir, but you're on a one-ticket trip to Hell.
Sodini had apparently been planning the attack for some time, even writing that he put of his original plan until after November's 2008 presidential election, in a rambling entry that complains black men have their choice of the best white girls.
Why do I get the feeling that Sodini was disappointed by the 2008 election result? And why do dumb shits always blame other men for why they have gone nearly 20 years without being laid? According to Sodini, he's been unwillingly-celibate since 1990.
So what exactly is Sodini's reason for opening fire on a Latin-dance class? Because his ex was in there? Yes and no.
"The biggest problem of all is not having relationships or friends, but not being able to achieve and acquire what I desire in those or many other areas," the blog reads. "Everthing stays the same regardless of the effert (sic) I put in. If I had control over my life then I would be happier. But for about the past 30 years, I have not."
He did not think he had any control over his life, so for a matter of minutes, after turning the lights off and lighting up a room with the indiscriminate muzzle-fire from his gun, he took the lives of three innocent women. Another day, another senseless tragedy.
The full diary.(hat tip to Buddhist Brother)
November 5, 2008:
Planned to do this in the summer but figure to stick around to see the election outcome. This particular one got so much attention and I was just curious. Not like I give a flying fcuk who won, since this exit plan was already planned. Good luck to Obama! He will be successful. The liberal media LOVES him. Amerika has chosen The Black Man. Good! In light of this I got ideas outside of Obama's plans for the economy and such. Here it is: Every black man should get a young white girl hoe to hone up on. Kinda a reverse indentured servitude thing. Long ago, many a older white male landowner had a young Negro wench girl for his desires. Bout' time tables are turned on that shit. Besides, dem young white hoez dig da bruthrs! LOL. More so than they dig the white dudes! Every daddy know when he sends his little girl to college, she be bangin a bruthr real good. I saw it. "Not my little girl", daddy says! (Yeah right!!) Black dudes have thier choice of best white hoez. You do the math, there are enough young white so all the brothers can each have one for 3 or 6 months or so.
Tetelestai Church in Pittsburgh, PA - "Be Ye Holy, even as I have been Ye holy! Thus saith the lord thy God!", as pastor Rick Knapp would proclaim. Holy shit, religion is a waste. But this guy teaches (and convinced me) you can commit mass murder then still go to heaven. Ask him. (PERSONAL INFO OF PASTOR KNAPP REDACTED BY SETRAK). In any case, guilt and fear kept me there 13 long years until Nov 2006. I think his crap did the most damage.