It's funny that Allen West, the Republican candidate in Florida's 22nd District who claims that tolerance causes terrorism, not only tolerates but defends what many would call a homegrown terrorist group -- the Outlaws motorcycle gang.
According to the Justice Department:
... the Outlaws produce and distribute methamphetamine, and engage in other criminal activities including arson, homicide, and prostitution.
Yet Allen West says:
Please, no more references to criminals [and] I was never more amazed about how members of the Outlaws guarded me.
And perhaps some of those amazing members are now proud Outlaw 1%ers, the hall of fame of Outlaw criminals guardians who have:
... sacrificed their personal freedom, maintained their integrity, refused to compromise their honor and have stayed loyal to the principles that the Outlaws Motorcycle Club was founded on.
We consider these outstanding members "POW's" in the Governments attempts to destroy Americas Motorcycle Clubs. These Brothers did not betray their Brothers or the Outlaws Motorcycle Club in an attempt to avoid prosecution. They stood tall and strong and took what came their way. These Outlaw 1%ers set an example that can not and should not be forgotten. We are proud of these "Our True Outlaw 1%er Brothers" we owe them Honor, Respect, and Support for standing as true Outlaws.
Translation? They went to prison for murder, rape, robbery and arson without ratting out any fellow partners in crime guardianship. And Allen West thinks they're amazing.
Of course what's really amazing is that West, a candidate who has repeatedly proven that he's nuts, is considered a legitimate candidate by today's Republican Party.