A San Diego County woman with a rare genetic disease is looking for a husband -- with really good health insurance, and in a unique way. [...]
Carlson's condition, called C4 Complement Deficiency, has no known cure.
"[It] makes me unable to process bacteria and viruses efficiently and my body attacks itself. It's very similar to lupus," she explained.
As a mother and housewife for 24 years, Carlson never had to worry about health care, until now. She is divorced and has one year left under COBRA health coverage, but after that, she will have nothing to help pay for numerous doctors appointments and dozens of medications.
Carlson works part-time from home, but her employer doesn't provide health care. And because of her disorder, insurance companies have denied her coverage. Last week, she turned to the Internet for help. [...]
"Let's talk about the tough reality here. And you have pre-existing condition. And in this day and time, if you're trying to get insurance, you are out of luck, period, right?" co-anchor Harry Smith asked.
"Forget about it, yeah. You forget about it, there's no chance to get it," she replied.
Carlson told Smith she has uncovered no options to obtain health care. "I've looked, I've searched, there is absolutely no stone that I've left unturned. And there are no other options for me."