More snow is on the way for the reservations in South Dakota!
The temperatures there can go below zero with the wind chill factor.
Many members of these tribes are trying to cope with no power for heat and they haven't had running water since Jan. 21st. Some folk have just been dug out and rescued.
There has been massive support from Kossacks in keeping my diaries on the REC list and donating money and supplies. Federal help is slow to arrive and your help is still urgently needed to prevent homes from freezing and people going without water and food. The major news coverage is weak.
Please help me again today with your RECs and spreading the news.
Below the fold are links to my previous diaries that provide background on the reservations and descriptions of the current disaster and a summary of donation links we have collected.
Centuries of abuse and neglect of the original inhabitants of what is now the United States has not ended. Our reservations are still like third world countries. When massive ice storms and high winds hit the reservations in the Dakotas mid January poor housing, weak heating systems, sparse cupboards, lack of warm clothing and health problems make it difficult to survive. Add to that a utilities infrastructure that was brought to its knees on the Cheyenne River Reservation when 3000 poles and power lines came down from 6 inches of ice weight also crippling the water system. Ongoing storm conditions hampered repair. The reservation has been without power since Jan. 21st and Federal funds are still weeks away.
Six inch diameter chunk of ice from power lines explains devastating power outages.
Photo provided by Brenda Kleinjan, Director of Communications and Member Relations/Editor for South Dakota Rural Electric Association
There are nine reservations In South Dakota. News reports are covering only two reservations, Pine Ridge and Cheyenne River.
Full size photo and courtesy of South Dakota Office of Tribal Government Relations
More background and details are in the following diaries along with the comments helping us resource future diaries. Many thanks to the new volunteers (to be listed shortly) to help me with a new series of diaries that will focus on preventing suffering from disasters like this.
January 29th,Friday's diaries:
Chris Rodda's originating diary Emergency Help Desperately Needed to Heat Homes on the Pine Ridge Reservation and mine a repost of the original.
February 1st, Monday's diary:
Emergency: Ice Storms Devastate Pine Ridge Reservation and Others
February 2nd, Tuesday's diary:
EMERGENCY: Summary of Dakota Rezs Ongoing Dire Situation
Sioux reservation struggling after winter storms
Sonny Brave Eagle and his family spent six days in the dark without a phone or working radio before law officers found them in their home after a fierce winter storm cut power across South Dakota's impoverished Cheyenne River Indian Reservation.
"We didn't know what was going on," said Brave Eagle, among hundreds of people on the sprawling reservation amid a second week without electricity as utility workers struggle to make repairs. The storm brought down power lines, iced roads and led to water outages.
Tribal Chairman Joseph Brings Plenty estimated that 1,500 to 1,700 homes were still without power Monday, and said it would take "better than three weeks" to get the reservation up and running again.
The tribe has spent "enormous amounts" of money on such needs as fuel and water, and an emergency fund that had $175,000 a few months ago has been drained, said tribal spokeswoman Natalie Stites
New contacts added in the Rosebud section for power company donations.
Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe now has an online donation link.
The (Archibald & Edyth) Bush Foundation has added another $25,000 in matching funds thru the South Dakota Community Foundation see more under Umbrella Groups.
Rosebud Reservation
UPDATE FROM Kossack CARTER CAMP! Donations here help homes get their power turned back on since yesterday was cutoff day! Please see Carter's heart breaking comment from last night at the bottom of the Rosebud section.
Navajo, here's a Rosebud company...
I spoke with a local company owner who agreed to take credit cards for propane delivery. She's also a local resident and one of the only native owned propane companies.
Here it is;
St. Francis Energy Co. 605-747-2542.
Patsy Valandra said she and her daughter Sherry will be answering the phone and she'll be working with community leaders to identify families in need and particularly those who need help but are ineligible for LIHEAP.
by cacamp on Wed Feb 03, 2010 at 07:28:20 AM PST
From KentuckyKat and boadicea:
I am trying to see if LIHEAP can set up a paypal account that we can use to donate.
We will continue to use Cherry Todd Electric of Mission, South Dakota (605)856-4416 Tell them to direct your donation to LIHEAP.
Ask for Samantha. URGENT! Yesterday was disconnection day, some families had their power cut your donation today will help a family get their power turned back on. Credit Cards ok.
Country Pride also does not want to participate. They turned away 4 donations yesterday.
Lacreek Electric will not be participating in the donation program.
If you can only donate by check which will be used for future propane deliveries and other necessities send a ck to:
LIHEAP, attn Eileen.
P.O. Box 430
Rosebud, SD 57570
Cks payable to:RFT (Rosebud Free Tribe) LIHEAP
From SarahLee:
Monetary Donations:
Rosebud Sioux Tribe President's Office
P.O. Box 430
Rosebud, SD 57570
Monetary donations (checks only right now) can be made to help the various emergency programs - from social services to energy to the emergency preparedness program, which may be providing extra food or plowing roads to diabetics and those needing dialysis, etc. Monetary donations can include a note specifying how you would like the funds used.
The tribal chairman's office also accepts clothing donations.
Clothing is passed out to those who come into the offices in need or through the tribal social services office.
White Buffalo Calf Woman Society, Inc
291 N. Main
P.O. Box 227
Mission, SD 57555
Paypal link at our outdated website:
I think this comment should be highlighted.
From Rosebud Rez
Today I spent the afternoon sitting in the IHS waiting to get some meds filled. As I talked to different Indian friends and told them how it has been impossible for our kossack friends here to donate to the electric companies on Rosebud none were surprised but all were angry and disappointed.
Today is cutoff day, the day when those who are behind in their bill to have their power cut off. And on a horrible day like this, one dreaded by all of us, the damn electric companies would rather cut off the power than help you all donate your help. It's beyond maddening for me. It would have been simple for them to take your cards and compile their own list of those they were about to shut off. But they couldn't be bothered. Tonight the temperature will go down to about 8* and I can't help but wonder what those who were cut off today will do for heat. But they're Lakota and tough as hell so they'll find a way to survive once more.
At the same time I blame myself for not doing more ground work and compiling a list of names myself. At first I didn't think it would be necessary and then my health and other things kept me away. Hell I could have just walked around my neighborhood and found many who need all the help they can get. And if there's a next time I sure as hell will.
In closing I want to once again say "Pilamaye" (thank you) to all of you kossacks who opened your hearts to my people during this bad time. You have touched my heart deeply. I know those on Pine Ridge you helped are greatful also. I have children and grandkids over on Pine Ridge and maybe some of your help went to them or their relatives. And up on Cheyenne River where the disaster is the worst I know every dime you guys sent was desperately needed by very needy people and those people felt good when some unexpected assistance showed up.
I know younger Sister Navajo and Chris had good help from several other kossacks who took time out of their lives to do this for us... Pilamaye-yo my friends, I appreciate each of you and I see your good hearts. Carter
by cacamp on Tue Feb 02, 2010 at 08:36:29 PM PST
Carter found a Native owned company to help this morning and I've bumped them to the top of the list.
Pine Ridge Reservation
Lakota Plains Propane Company
Pine Ridge S.D 57770
Takes major credit cards and debit
Minimum ordering $120 for one weeks worth of propane
1.Call the company tell you want to donate to a Lakota family for heat.
- Tell them that you would like to donate to one of the names on the LIST.
Call Lacreek Electric Company at 800-655-9324 or 605-658-6581.
There are three different food stores that will accept credit cards by phone. To help a family in need of food, call Autumn directly at 605-407-8487, and she will match you with a family and let you know which food store to call to put money on account in their name.
Clothing Donation:
(Clothing must be clean or it will be thrown away!)
Lakota Oyate Wakanyeja Owicakiyape
East Highway 18
IHS Compound, Box 604
Pine Ridge, SD 57770.
See for addresses of other agencies participating in the Winter Warmth Drive for the people of Pine Ridge.
Special thanks to Autumn Two Bulls who has been our contact from Pine Ridge. Autumn is completely a first responder volunteer, she is not getting paid nor profiting from this effort. She knows her people well and has driven all over this vast reservation which is half the size of Connecticut to check on families in need and collect their names for the power companies. She is currently working on plans to bring solar energy to the Pine Ridge Reservation, and also the construction this summer of an entirely green homeless shelter -- projects that, when completed, will serve as a model for other reservations.
Here is a large excerpt from the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe's disaster declaration:
Experts estimate it may be as long as a month before
all areas have electricity restored.
Donations Needed:
MEDICAL NEEDS: Dialysis Patients/Glucose Strips/Financial
Support for Hotels
* The dialysis patients have all been evacuated three
hours away to Rapid City, SD.
They are staying in hotels for at least a week and half,
probably longer.
The Tribe is looking into reimbursement sources from CMS
and IHS, but in the interim financial contributions are
needed to help the families pay for their hotel expenses
and food.
An account has been set up at Wells Fargo to help with
these expenses.
You can contribute at any Wells Fargo or send to the Rapid City branch.
Wells Fargo
Cheyenne Dialysis Patients (c/o Dew Bad Warrior)
Acct. #: 5815904338
1615 N 7th St.
Rapid City, SD 55701
* Medical Items Need on the Reservation itself (shipping address
* Glucose Strips
* First Aid Kits
* Children's Tylenol
* Children's Cough Syrup
Please forward to any
companies that manufacture these items that may
be of assistance.
* CONTRIBUTIONS: Can be made directly to the Tribe's
emergency fund listed below.
* IN KIND: Or if you prefer to make in-kind donations:
* Non-perishable food
* Cots
* Heat sources (heaters & fuel)
* Camp stoves & fuel
* Light sources:
* Lithium 1, 2 and 3 batteries for law enforcement
* Lamps/Batteries/Lamp Oil
* Toiletries
* Toilet paper
* Paper products for the shelters
* Pampers/formula
* Hand/baby wipes/Hand sanitizer
The Tribe has depleted its emergency budget with
the two blizzards that already hit the reservation since December.
It needs funds to help buy food and supplies for the community
and volunteers, to pay for gas and overtime for the workers,
to replace the motor at the water pump station that was
destroyed, etc.
Any financial donations are much appreciated.
The Tribe is also trying to set up on-line donations but
that may take some time. THEY'VE DONE IT!
Donate ONLINE to Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe
Cheyenne River Sioux 2010 Disaster Account
Direct to: United Bkrs Bloomington ABA # 091 001 322
Beneficiary Bank: Account Number 250 3373
State Bank of Eagle Butte
Eagle Butte, SD 57625
Final Credit: Account Holder @ UBB Customers Bank
Account Holder: CRST 2010 Disaster, Account Number 103173
TO: Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe/2010 Disaster Account
Cheyenne River Sioux Tribal Chairman's Office
Attn: Ice Storm Emergency Fund
PO Box 590
2001 Main Street (Tribal Offices)
Eagle Butte, SD 57625
Cheyenne River Sioux Tribal Chairman's Office
Attn: Ice Storm Emergency Supplies
PO Box 590
2001 Main Street (Tribal Offices)
Eagle Butte, SD 57625
Robin Le Beau, Chairman's Assistant c (610) 568-2101
Joe Brings Plenty, Tribal Chairman c (605) 365-6548
CRST Emergency Coordination Center (605) 964-7711 (7712)
CRST 2010 Disaster Relief Press Release, Background, Assessment and Public Service Announcement for local residents. Slide show of power line damage there.
Umbrella Groups
You can double your donation and use a credit card.
The (Archibald & Edyth) Bush Foundation is matching gifts to relieve suffering on SD Indian reservations following an ice storm that will leave many without heat, electricity and food for weeks. The Foundation will give up to $25,000 in 1 for 1 matching dollars.
The Minneapolis based foundation announced today that it will match gifts to Native Americans in Philanthropy which has created a special fund to assist the Cheyenne River Tribe of the Lakota Nation.
(You can donate here
and $3,766 (yesterday)$7,866 (at noon PST before this diary) four hours later $8,781 Tues. a.m. $11,200 raised to date, could be a DailyKos bump and the word is getting out!)
by Alice Olson on Fri Jan 29, 2010 at 05:54:39 PM PST
UPDATE FEB. 3rd 2:00 PM PST:
The Bush Foundation has added another $25,000 in matching funds thru the South Dakota Community Foundation As of this posting Feb.3rd at 2:00 PM PST they have $665 raised. Spread the word and let's see another DKos bump.
The Native American Heritage Association (NAHA) (NAHA) is a very reputable organization with a 4 star rating from Charity Navigator, so if you're looking for a way that you can donate online, and want to be sure your donation is going to a legitimate charity, this would be the organization to send your donation to. NAHA provides food, clothing, heating assistance, etc., to the people on several South Dakota reservations.
Government Officials To Contact
Legislator Info gathered by KentuckyKat:
Sen. Tim Johnson
SH-136 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510-4104
(202) 224-5842
(202) 228-5765 Fax
Senator John Thune
383 Russell
Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-2321
Fax:(202) 228-5429
Rep. Stephanie Herseth-Sandlin
U.S. House of Representatives
WWW Home Page:
1504 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515
phone: 202-225-2801
fax: 202-225-5823
Contact Governor Rounds
Office of the Governor
500 E. Capitol Ave.
Pierre, SD 57501
email link here
Senate Committee on Indian Affairs
Democrats only
Byron Dorgan, Chair, ND
1-800-666-4482 only in ND
Contact Form:
Kent Conrad ND
1-800-223-4457 only in ND
Contact Form:
Tim Johnson SD
1-800-537-0025 only in SD
Contact form:
Maria Cantwell WA
1-866-648-7328 only in WA
Contact form:
Jon Tester MT
Contact Form:
Tom Udall NM
Contact Form:
Al Franken MN
Contact Form:
(H/T CuriousBoston)
White House info (H/T DeepHarm)
To send an email message, go here.
To telephone or FAX:
Comments: 202-456-1111
Switchboard: 202-456-1414
FAX: 202-456-2461
To use TTY/TDD:
Comments: 202-456-6213
Visitors Office: 202-456-2121
To send traditional mail:
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
(Please include your e-mail address)
The Native American Advocacy Program (NAAP)
Not so much for emergencies, but they help our tribal members with disabilities.
302 East 2nd Street
P.O. Box 527
Winner, South Dakota 57580-0527
Phone: (605) 842-3977
Native American Rights Fund
"Our Mission: preservation of tribal existence, protection of tribal natural resources, promotion of Native American human rights, accountability of governments to Native Americans, development of Indian law and educating the public about Indian rights, laws, and issues."
1712 N St. NW
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 202-785-4166
Fax: 202-822-0068
From Winter Rabbit's kickass diary.
Many, many thanks to KentuckyKat for helping me put this together and to all the others in the comments helping us research.
Remember it is URGENT to get financial help to these tribes, please help.
Please leave us a comment if your were able to donate.