Warning: despite the title, this has nothing to do with Cornell's miracle run in the NCAA playoffs.
We may smile at the Republicans switching to a strategy of "Repeal" that only requires a net gain of 26 Senate seats and 113 more in the House seven months from now. But remember, unlike the rest of us, GOP leaders have not understood the applicability of the old tenet that the first sign of psychological distress is to repeat the same action over and over, in pursuit of an unachievable result.
This is why we saw the Tea Party verbal assaults on Congressmen Lewis, Carson, Frank, and Rodriguez, and the birther Neugebauer's on Congressman Stupak.
They're just going to keep doing this, so while it is important and cathartic to celebrate the hurdles that have been vaulted, I am reminded of the time in November, 2008, when people asked me, pityingly, what I would possibly have to talk about since the Republicans had been defeated. "You think this means they're moving away?," was my stock reply.
Blank stares followed.
So tonight I felt compelled to come in off my grief leave, just for the night, to address these recidivist Republicans in a Special Comment. And what do I find? There's one of them already defending the verbal hate crimes perpetuated against Lewis, Carson, and Frank (not clear if he knew about Rodriguez):
...Republican Devin Nunes of the California 21st.
"When you use totalitarian tactics, people, you know, begin to act crazy," he said on C-SPAN. "And I think, you know, there's people that have every right to say what they want. If they want to smear someone, they can do it."
Congressman Nunes? You should resign.
You have no business opening a door for a man like John Lewis, let alone serving alongside him.
And if you shouldn't resign for your endorsement, your encouragement, of the most vile, the most reprehensible, and the most outdated spewings of the lizard-brain of this country, you should resign because of your total disconnect from reality.
There have been no "totalitarian tactics", Congressman.
People - these few, sad, people - have begun to act crazy, because it has been the dedicated purpose, the sole method and sole function, of the Republican party, to entice them to act crazy.
Those shouts against the Congressmen, Mr. Nunes, were inspired not by what people like John Lewis have done in their lives. They have been inspired by what people like you have done in the last year.
Of course it's not just the Republican back-benchers who continue to froth at the mouth. There's Minority Leader Boehner and his:
...teary "shame on you" over the tyranny of the vast majority taking a scrap back from the elite clueless minority - that's just an isolated incident.
Just as Congressman Neugebauer shouting "Baby-Killer" at, or "It's a Baby-Killer" during, Congressman Stupak's laudible speech last night... was just an isolated incident.
Just as the shouting of N-words at Congressmen Lewis and Carson... was just an isolated incident.
Just as the spitting on Congressman Cleaver... was just an isolated incident.
Just as the abuse of Congressman Frank... was just an isolated incident.
Just as the ethnic slurs shouted at Congressman Rodriguez of Texas... was just an isolated incident.
Just as the oinking by Congressman Wilson during the President's address... was just an isolated incident.
Just as whatever's next... will be just an isolated incident.
You know what they call it when you have a once-a-week series of isolated incidents?
They call it two things.
They call it a "pattern."
And in the United States of 2010, they call it "The Republican Party."
Nevertheless, I did not come in just to bash, as appropriate as that might be. I'd actually like to see the GOP turn Not Crazy all of a sudden. I think the country would be better off that way. I'm not counting on it, but I am going to wrap up with an olive branch, a way back from the precipice, some bread crumbs for Hansel and Gretel to find their way out of the woods.
Not that they're gonna take any of that.
As a quick postscript, again, my formal thanks to all here who have been so supportive in the last few months, and particularly the ten days since my father passed away. It means more than I can say, and if I don't say it constantly on the air, it's only because I fear my ability to get through my thanks. If you haven't done it yet, have your Life Panel as a means of celebrating HCR.