Predictor's quilt
This past Friday, while collecting messages for cskendrick’s quilt, there was a request for a community quilt for Keith Olbermann. Keith Olbermann is currently giving care to his father who is gravely ill. As a son, he is going through what is a very emotionally challenging period in anyone’s life – being present for a parent who is severely weakened by illness -- and making hard decisions about care according to the wishes of the parent. It is a time when it is very evident that every kiss, every loving word, every embrace is precious beyond price. It is a time that stretches every fiber and emotional muscle of the heart.
andsarahtoo’s quilt
Even though this is clearly a difficult time for him, Keith Olbermann has shared with us valuable insights about the health care industry in America and the tug-of-war that is going on in Washington as a dysfunctional industry tries to squeeze out more profit while they still can – at the very great expense (monetary and physical) of the American people. He has a strong feeling for doing the right thing and has expressed it with passion and eloquence for which we, in the Daily Kos community, are very grateful. I know I am.
Let us express our empathy and respect to Keith Olbermann. Enter your uplifting and supportive message for Keith in the comments and it will become part of a Daily Kos “love catcher” quilt, just for him.
luvsathoroughbred’s quilt
First, I am putting together a lap throw for Keith’s father – a cheerful mix of colorful fabrics that will have plenty of visual interest and warm feeling. This will will be sent to him immediately. Then, I will put together a larger blanket that will be a mix of messages, transcribed in archival ink on muslin, and bright fabrics. The pattern I have in mind will have room for 152 messages.
The generous donations toward cskendrick’s quilt are enough to completely cover the $125 lap throw for Mr. Olbermann’s father and $175 toward the big blanket, too – so do not feel shy about leaving a message if you cannot afford to donate. But if you can donate and would like to, here is a PayPal link – or email me for a snail mail address if you would prefer to send a check. I estimate the cost of the big blanket at $5/message – about the price of sending a nice greeting card. This covers materials costs and a bit of our time. If I should collect extra, I will put it toward the next project.
Frank Cocozzelli's quilt
To date, the following community quilts have been made and shipped:
othniel (cellulitis and ensuing complications)
exmearden (cancer of heart and lung)
MsSpentyouth (brain tumor)
Moe99 (lung cancer)
Michelle Caudle (ovarian cancer)
BFSkinner (lupus)
Kitsap River (waiting for kidney donor)
Frederick Clarkson (blood clots)
Dreaming of Better Days (lymphoma)
one bite at a time (lost house and belongings to fire)
Timroff (cellulitis)
Sol Fed Joe (multiple cancers and health problems)
Brubs (AIDS, immune reconstitution syndrome)
rserven (gall bladder infection with dangerous complications)
grndrush (brain tumor)
ImpeachKingBushII (needs liver transplant)
andsarahtoo (lupus)
Frank Cocozzelli (muscular dystrophy)
luvsathoroughbred (breast cancer)
Predictor (stroke and HIV)
Where I have linked to a quilt recipient above, do click through and read what the result has been. Clearly, there is something about community support as expressed in these quilts that is touching people in ways that matter -- and not just for the quilt recipient, either.
Boots checks out Predictor's quilt and approves it -- especially the tiger patch
We are halfway through assembling the top of austex54’s quilt. Messages are still being collected for Charles CurtisStanley and for Lorikeet – click those links to leave messages for them. I am transcribing cskendrick’s messages and plan to have his quilt out the door next.
Timroff’s quilt
Future quilts are planned for:
MA Liberal (caretaker to her mother who has dementia)
dadanation (AIDS)
Louisiana1976 (fibromyalgia, severe arthritis, depression)
DrLori (cancer)
ramara (cancer survivor)
Ellinorianne (rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia)
UnaSpensor (Lyme disease)
FLRealist (recovering from a kidney transplant)
Goldie, quilt inspector