There's an oil spill so big you can see it from space. It's threatening one of our most ecologically diverse coastlines. Yet, until Jane Hamsher pointed it out, the Sierra Club didn't even have a mention of it on their website 11 days later. She had to shame them into a reaction.
Seymour Friendly points out the major environmental organizations are doing nothing more than posting up pictures of the disaster and links for you to join them. Nothing is being done to sway the administration NOT to drill offshore.
For reasons beyond my comprehension, Jane Hamsher and FDL is hated on this website. Well, all I can say is, where's YOUR outrage Kossacks? Where are YOUR diaries demanding more be done? Why aren't YOU, Kossacks, standing against the president on this issue? Where's YOUR outrage?
Because if you continue to meekly tow the line, you're going to drag us all off the cliff.
Jane makes a valid point:
John Pilger presciently predicted this liberal capitulation to corporate America in May of 2008:
An Obama victory will bring intense pressure on the US antiwar and social justice movements to accept a Democratic administration for all its faults. If that happens, domestic resistance to rapacious America will fall silent.
And, as Paul Street noted last fall:
[I]n the absence of meaningful anger and protest on the left, the dodgy Republican right wing and its still-potent "noise machine" is absurdly left to soak up and express much of the legitimate "populist rage" that ordinary Americans quite naturally feel over Washington’s continuing captivity to concentrated wealth, corporate-direction, and the military-industrial complex in the Age of Obama. Resentment abhors a vacuum.
Resentment abhors a vacuum.
The Daily Kos has become that vacuum. Where's your outrage Kossacks? If you don't challenge the entrenched corporatocracy, the voters are going to gravitate towards those that will. Your meek submission to everything the Democratic Party does, even offshore drilling, even that pathetic sellout of a healthcare bill, is going to alienate the people who actually DO feel outrage at these events.
Criticizing Obama, criticizing the Senate majority, showing outrage at what they are doing, those are not disloyal things to do, that IS loyalty. Loyalty to what the Democratic Party ostensibly stands for. Outrage is what LOYAL democrats feel when betrayed by their own leaders. It is righteous indignation. Defending these things doesn't make you loyal democrats, it makes you the object of peoples resentment. It drives people AWAY.
Simply put, continuing to defend bad policymakers makes you DISLOYAL to the Party.
So I ask you, in the hopes you FINALLY figure this out: Where's your outrage Kossacks?