Taking a page out of the Sarah Palin school of media relations (recent graduates include Sharron Angle and Rand Paul), the Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate, Mark Kirk, "literally ran" from a hotel to avoid answering questions from the media on recently revealed revelations about his remarkable inability to tell the truth:
The Democratic and Republican nominees for the U.S. Senate, Alexi Giannoulias and Mark Kirk, gave their views on planning and environmental issues at a Metropolitan Planning Council lunch on Monday.
But the news was what happened afterward: Mr. Kirk literally ran out the hotel door rather than answer
questions about a host of recent reports that he repeatedly has exaggerated his experience and credentials.
He spoke for about 20 minutes, than walked down from the dais to have his picture taken with MPC President MarySue Barrett.
As soon as that was done — with a swarm of TV cameras and reporters moving toward the front of the ballroom — Mr. Kirk bolted for a back door.
With media in hot pursuit, he raced through a Hyatt kitchen and into the back seat of a black SUV — I believe it was a Cadillac Escalade — which instantly peeled out.
For those keeping score, subjects Mr. Kirk wants to avoid like the plague are: the naval intelligence officer of the year award that he didn't receive, the Pentagon war room that he didn't command, the fire he didn't come under while Iraq, Kosovo or Kandahar, Desert Storm that he didn't serve in, Operation Iraqi Freedom that he didn't serve in, the nursery school where he didn't teach and where he didn't have students bringing guns to class ...
And if news reports of a senate candidate "literally running" away from the press isn't bad enough, Kirk also managed to officially earn the title of "embattled."