And the conservatives' "we're the real victims" war rages on. Via TPM:
Tea Party Nation is asking its membership to tell the "true story about illegal immigration" and any abuses they've seen. In a new posting to members that is likely to make pro-immigration reform advocates cringe, Tea Party Nation asks about "The Horrors of Illegal Immigration."
By "true story," they don't mean the way immigrants are targeted by blatantly racist laws like Arizona's SB 1070. (Or Virginia's new "We can do it too" policy.)
No, they're looking for stories about Americans who have suffered because of the "illegals":
If have been the victim of a crime by an illegal, or if your business has gone under because your competition uses illegals, or if you have lost your job to illegals, we want to know about it.
If you have photos and videos of illegals or their supporters doing outrageous things (like burning the American flag or putting the Mexican flag above ours, or showing racist posters), please share those as well. We need to get the true story out about illegal immigration and we need your help to do it.
And yes, you read that right. Teabaggers are looking for photos and videos of "racist posters." Seriously. Fortunately for them, they won't have far to look.