Here's an old story for you.
So here's the rest of the story.
Senate Republicans are introducing legislation to repeal the Wall Street reform law in its entirety, breaking with House Republicans who have opted for a go-slow approach to rolling back the regulatory overhaul.
Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) announced Friday he will introduce legislation to repeal the Dodd-Frank financial reform law and said the bill has 18 co-sponsors, including the entire Senate Republican leadership.
For a bit more insight, here's the Public Action Campaign Fund.
Sen. DeMint and the 18 Republicans co-sponsoring the legislation have strong ties to Wall Street interests and have received $49.7 million in campaign cash from the finance, insurance, and real estate industry (FIRE) during their time in Congress, according to Public Campaign Action Fund analysis of data provided by the Center for Responsive Politics.
“After witnessing the near collapse of our economy, and seeing millions put out of work thanks to greed on Wall Street and millions more living with underwater mortgages, you would think that these Senators would side with the ordinary Americans who were hurt the most,” said David Donnelly, national campaigns director for Public Campaign Action Fund. “But this group of Senators continues to side with the Wall Street interests who pour millions into their campaign coffers.”
Of course, many senators have Wall Street interests pouring millions into their war chests. But the Republicans seem to be more committed to paying those favors back.