Youth for Western CivilizationYWC) is a far-right student organization that is aligned with the most racist elements of the Tea Party. The goup even has its own swastika-like symbol. YWC has achieved some notoriety recently by inviting well-known extremists such as the anti-immigration zealot Tom Tancredo and the white supremacist RIchard Spencer to speak at several American college campuses. The Southern Poverty Law Group has identified YWC as a hate organization:
Youth for Western Civilization appears to be a project of the Leadership Institute, an Arlington, Va.-based right-wing activist factory, whose training program graduates have included Christian Coalition founder turned über lobbyist Ralph Reed, über lobbyist turned imprisoned felon Jack Abramoff, and gay prostitute turned White House correspondent Jeff Gannon.
The Leadership Institute has a history of backing radical right student groups. In 2006 college-aged Leadership Institute-trained activists began reviving and radicalizing chapters of the Young Americans for Freedom at universities across the country, including MSU. DeAnna is the former leader of the Virginia State University chapter of YAF.
One of YWC's leaders, Taylor Rose, has shown a strong interest in reaching out to like-minded Europeans, forming a trans-Atlantic alliance of hate and intolerance. He writes in a
recent blog post:
All across Europe, the fires of conservatism are spreading throughout the continent and into the very homes and lives of people once duped by atheistic socialism. A new order is taking shape, where Europeans are again affirming that it is Christianity that is the foundation of Western Civilization and the Bible as our cornerstone of order. Europeans are beginning to understand that if we remove Jesus and supplant him with Marx or Muhammad all that we are left with is narcissism and barbarism.
But young Rose is putting action behind his words and
actually traveled to Antwerp to meet with the extremist group Vlaams Belang and member of the German Pro-Bewegung:
In early April, Rose also met in Antwerp with members of the far-right Belgian political party Vlaams Belang at one of the party’s congresses. He was photographed there with members of PRO NRW (NRW means North Rhineland-Westphalia, a German state) and PRO Köln (City of Cologne), both of which are classified as “right-wing extremist” by German authorities. Members of the far-right anti-immigration and anti-Islamic German Pro-Bewegung (Pro-Movement) were also in attendance.
Pro-Bewegung is ecstatic that the "patriot" Talyor Rose has agreed to speak at their hate-fest in Cologne on May 7:
Eine konkrete Zusage zur Teilnahme und zu einem Redeauftritt gab nun Taylor Rose
gegenüber der PRO-BEWEGUNG ab. Er wird dazu eigens aus den Vereinigten Staaten anreisen und am 7. Mai persönlich den Stand der Meinungs- und Versammlungsfreiheit in Deutschland und Köln unter die Lupe nehmen.
(Taylor Rose has confirmed to PRO-BEWEGUNG that he will participate in the event and deliver a speech. He will be traveling from the United States to Cologne on May 7 in order see first-hand the state of freedom of expression and freedom of assembly in Germany)
Incidentally, the YWC maintains close ties with the white nationalist Webzine
Alternative Right which in turn is loosely affiliated with the German neo-fascist weekly paper
Junge Freiheit.