Artist unknown
In putting together my Sunday essay,
Occupy poster art joins lineage of resistance messages, I came across many examples that I just didn't have space for in an already-long piece heavy with images.
So, this post will aggregate only images from the Occupy protests, not historical ones of the sort I included Sunday. I repeated some and added a bunch of others that commenters added or pointed to. If you demand text, click on the link above and I think you will be sated with my long analysis of protest posters of the past 175 years. As noted Sunday, most of the Occupy posters are unsigned and the artists are unknown to me. But, if you know (for sure) who the artist for a particular poster is, let me know so I can give her or him credit.
If you'd like to read more about political poster art, you can find some good material at Social Design Notes, Design History and Art for a Change. If you're in the Los Angeles area, I highly recommend a trip to the Center for the Study of Political Graphics. They have an open house scheduled for Dec. 3.
Other places to check in are Occupy Design: Building a Visual Language for the 99%, the Propaganda Remix Project, Political Loudmouth, the fabulous Just Seeds Artists Cooperative, Robbie Conal and Conal's extremely useful Guerrilla Etiquette + Postering Techniques. And, finally, if you haven't seen Clarknt67's diary, Best Thing On The Internet Today, you are missing out.
Here are a few to get you started. The rest are below the squiggle:
By Jamison Wieser
By Jamison Wieser (2011) (2011)
By Craig Updegrove
By Favianna Rodriguez
Alexandra Clotfelter
By Edd Baldry
Artist unknown
Artist unknown
Artist unknown
Artist unknown
Artist unknown
By Molly Crabapple
IWW-style sabotage cat by Eric Drooker
By Kenneth Tin-Kin Hung
By Dave Loewenstein
Artist unknown
Artist unknown
Artist unknown
Artist unknown
Artist unknown
Artist unknown
By R. Black
Artist unknown
Christy C. Road
Artist unknown
Artist Unknown
Artist unknown
Artist unknown
Artist unknown
Artist unknown
Artist unknown
Artist unknown
Artist unknown
Artist unknown
Photographer unknown