Hi. How are you? I hope good.
I've been over to the new Dkos a couple times. Looks nice. I'll go over after the change, see how it goes of course, but for a diarist like myself, I kind of feel this is an end, that Dkos will never be the same because Markos said the Recent diaries list is dead, even though anyone who knows anything knows it makes the site what it is: the Recent Diaries list, right there below the Rec list: to tune in, see what the latest consciousness is. And now it's about to be dead. It's bogus and embarrassing, the political argument that the Recent diary list ought to die--meaning that a Trusted User rec is required for a recent diary to be seen. Yes, you can click the Recent diary list there, but unless a TU recs it, it won't be seen.
Basically my thoughts are these: this year could go one of two ways: partisan politicos ignore the convention clause or end up having to face it. Let's see where we are with the idea six months from now, because it's not when Dkos calls it, or Huffington Post or the like, but when the American people call it. When the idea dawns corporate forces will be forced to issue the call. They got another plan? OK, let's see it. If we're still here this summer corporate forces might want to get over it, and I don't think the people will be too bad on 'em.
In other words, as you know, I've been politically active for some time, advocating for the Article V Convention, and I see a rise in the discourse about it--not here at Dkos, but out on the Internet. So Dkos goes to a new format, and the Recent diary list dies and all that that means--unless Al Queda blows us all up, I see the idea of a federal convention dawning on the nation as we move into this year--regardless of the partisan squawk here or elsewhere.
If things don't work out, and you'd like to see late poems and art, I set up a blog some time back (and just now looking at it after a long time, I see old poems I’d edit). Just type in quotes "Rider, Horse, and Dog"
Anyway, unless I've missed out on recent notes, the death of the Recent diary list--that a TU must rec a diary for it to be seen--seems to me an end.
Note: Color Field diary promised in previous diaries--that’s first diary I'll post over on the new Dkos. Been finding books about Color Field art and want to write a good essay on art using the advent of Color Field as anchor.