Update: It turns out that current law on the supplemental nutrition assistance program already contains very similar language to the new proposed text. I'm not a expert on this policy area, so I can't evaluate the significance of the differences, but on the face of it, the new proposal doesn't seem any worse than current law. That, of course, is not a defense of current law, which Rep. Joe Baca of California has proposed repealing. Update 2: More background.
Original post:
You really can't get any lower than this: House Republicans have introduced legislation that, if passed into law, would deny food stamp assistance to any family member of a striking worker.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no member of a family unit shall participate in the food stamp program at any time that any able bodied work eligible adult member of such household is on strike on strike as defined by the Labor Management Relations Act 1947, because of a labor dispute.
Apparently, busting unions by stripping workers of collective bargaining rights isn't enough. Now they want to threaten family members of striking workers with starvation. These guys just don't know when to put on the brakes. It would be shocking if it weren't so familiar.
Join the discussion in deepsouthdoug's recommended diary, "House Repubs bill - cut off family's food stamps if anyone in family on strike."