I came across
this passage while looking for an image to illustrate this post. It certainly is relevant given the first of today's hate mails, below the fold:
Leftists say Jesus Christ was opposed to violence—and therefore guns—because He told his followers to “turn the other cheek,” “love your enemies,” “pray for those who persecute you,” “overcome evil with good,” and, of course, the old familiar saw, “do not make use of force against an evil man.” Also, He allowed the authorities to crucify Him when He could have split the heavens open like a rotten coconut and destroyed them and their courts of corruption with a rain of hell fire that would’ve had the U.S. Marines crapping their pants.
But freethinking liberals quote these passages of Holy Scripture out of context in a barely disguised effort to make Americans soft and usher in the New Age of Godlessness. U.S. citizens wouldn’t anymore let somebody shoot at them without fighting back than they would lend somebody money without expecting it back plus interest, something else socialists claim Jesus advocated. We must never forget the prophet Isaiah’s warning: Godless nations will one day stop training for war and start cooperating with one another by confiscating our swords, melting them into ploughs and forcing us all to become farmers. Substitute the word “swords” for our modern-day guns, and you’ll get the dire picture Isaiah was trying to paint. Liberals will never be happy until they turn America into a nation of PETA-loving, vegetable-eating girly men. And women, I guess.
Not a lot of volume this week. But do they make up for it with quality? You be the judge, below the fold.
You are badly mistaken
Owner/operator of the Dailykos website: You seem to think that the biggest problem with America is that some people are trying to cut the budget. It is not. The biggest problem in America is that it is overrun by homos. Every new show on pretty much every channel is either something about the Kardashian idiots or about homos cutting hair (or homos reading books, or homos riding donkeys, or a homo choir singing contest, or homos pretending to be Christians... you get the picture). The only political issue anyone cares aobut is homo "marriage" and the priviliges of the elite homo class are being increased at the expense of regular Americans. All new books are about homos, almost every movie is about how great it is to be a homo, all songs are about homo stuff and so on. Our cities are actually competing to see which is the most homo city in the country! Our culture is obsessed with homos and our children want to be homos because the schools are nothing but homo propaganda centers.
And if someone voices concern that maybe this country should be centered on the family, with actual moms and dads, you write it off as a joke. However, we have been given rather clear instructions on the subject of homos. You can find these instructions in the Bible. You know, the actual word of God. Your God. My God. Our God. You might think homos are fun, but I assure you that God is not amused by your antics. The last time a culture was this entangled in homosexuality, God made his displesure known. That culture was Sodom and Gomorra. Fire and brimstone, remember? It is not the homos that God hates, but rather a culture that worships homosexuality rather than God. That is the kind of decadent culture that God smites. Feel that word, smite. Smite, smote, smitten. That is the reality of what will happen if we abandon our families and embrace the homo lifestyle. God will smite us. He will smite us and no amount of feather boas or TV-shows about homo hair stylists are going to save us then.
You do realize that there are Christians all over the world, right? God doesn't need us. God can smite us into dust and then rebuild the Christian world with Christians from non-homo countries like India, Korea or Egypt (you wouldknow there are Christians in Egypt if you weren't such a racist). We need God, not the other way around. And understand that this is not about homos, but about us. Banning homo "marriage" won't do us any good if our sons dress in pink tights and learn to speak with a lisp. Do you know what's the difference between a stay-at-home dad and a homo? Because I sure don't. We need real male rodel models who support their families, shoot guns and (gasp!) go to church. No more of this metrosexual insanity. If men were meant to be anywhere near a beauty parlor, they would be women. So there.
Also, this is not an attack on your person (I understand that you are married and have kids) but rather your activities which promote homosexuality. It would be nice to see you just say that the best way to raise a child is a family with a mom and a dad. That's scientific fact, but it is also God's will. Without God you wouldn't exist and therefore your website wouldn't exist either. So please give God his due and honor his Word as it was given. And think about this: if your parents (God bless 'em) had been homos, you wouldn't exist. Makes you think, doesn't it?
Scientific fact?
Sociologists Stacey and Timothy Biblarz of the University of Southern California, spent five years reviewing 81 studies of one- and two-parent families, including gay, lesbian and heterosexual couples. "No research supports the widely held conviction that the gender of parents matters for child well-being," they conclude.
"Children being raised by same-gender parents, on most all of the measures that we care about, self-esteem, school performance, social adjustment and so on, seem to be doing just fine and, in most cases, are statistically indistinguishable from kids raised by married moms and dads on these measures," Biblarz says.
But my favorite part is where you claim the Bible says men should shoot guns. Can you point me to that verse? It's probably in the section where Jesus changed his mind about rich people, right?
Criminal democrat scumbags!
Neonazi homorapist asshole fuck you and your "president"! I guess you think you won somehow when OBL got shot but youd didnt! No tricks and imaginary "birth certificatws" can cahnge the fact that "president" Ofart is a muslim who was not born here! muslim fathers have muslim kids according to sharia so you liars cant hide that OBAMAS MUSLIMICITY IS 100% FACT!! Obombom was born a muslim which is what he is and that makes him ineligibile to be president!
The obama regime are occupiers and ILLEGALLY controlling this country! You think americnas will vote for a muslim fascist criminal? Oh wait! Votes dont matter when democrats are in charge!you can always cart over as many mexicans as you watn to vote for the democrat scumbum crimnial candidate!
Three main democrat policies are 1 voting fraud 2 homosexuality and 3 fascism. Democrat politics are ntohing more than Obama firing his humongous jizzblaster and all you faggots try to catch his cum in your mouths! The winner gets to be senator of Fagifornia! Good luck faggot because in 2012 you will get less than 20% of the real votes! which means 120% of the "official" democrat-counted votes and Obastard will be pesident for life!Thanks for turning our country into a socialist banana republic! Obot might only have 25% approval among real americnas but at least he is popula with dead people and illegals who are the only people still votnig for his black ass! We got rid of Hitler and STalin too so we willl vote out Obama faster than you van say "where is my homo lipstick?"!!!! No dictators for USA!
Yeah, Democrats steal all the elections! They were just taking a union-mandated 15-minute break on November 2, 2010! Otherwise, they would've stole that one too!
I just wish you'd make up your mind. Is Obama president for life, or will you vote him out next year? You've got to choose between your paranoias and your delusions.
Reinstatement makes "common sense"
I am not sure that I wrote the "Diarie" that made the statements that I am accused of making.
Is the statement included in the "Diaries" that are on my page?
If it is not shown, please send it to me by E Mail
so I may claim or deny its authenticity.
Thank You edscan
It'd been a while since we'd heard from edscan. I was getting worried. I'm glad he's okay.