1967 borders WITH LAND SWAPS, is NOT the same as 1967 borders.
If I say a house is green with blue trim, that is not the same as saying a house is all green.
Even after the President of United States called them out during his AIPAC speech and repeated his original wording from last Thursday verbatim, some insist on still leading with the lie.
What President Obama said:
“We believe the borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps, so that secure and recognized borders are established for both states.”
It is what he said Thursday, and what he repeated verbatim again today.
Why did most of the most of the press -- AP, Reuters, the network news -- get it wrong after Thursday's speech? And as a side point, why does the liberal pro-peace Haaretz keep hiring Neocon/Republican/Likudnik hacks as their lead D.C. reporters (before Rosner, now Mozgovaya).
Now of course, I know why Netanyahu and Israeli and American right are lying about it. But why have been most of the press, and alas some Democratic congresscritters, also propagating this deliberately false right wing talking point?
Hello. This is the same as UN resolution 242 that Israel signed. It is the same as the Clinton parameters from 2000. It is the same as what Israel has been agreeing to in principle ever since Oslo.
On paper even even Netanyahu and AIPAC support the "two-state solution" which means a Palestinian state in the territories captured by Israel in 1967. Where else would you put it? Kenya?
The only thing they actually find objectionable is that when you say it this way, you might actually be serious about ending the endless process and actually making the peace.
And the real problem is that current Israeli government is not a partner for peace.
Sure there as some in the Palestinian Authority who want more then they are going to get, and nobody is willing to say the words Israel does need to say before the actual final settlement deal is made (that why you make the deal; that what it means to make the deal). And sure, Hamas continues to deny Israel's right to exist, and will need to do so as part of any final deal.
But look at the current delusional and rejectionist Israeli government: It too has nationalist extremists who openly want to annex most of the West Bank and deny the right of Palestinians any possible viable and independent state. It has racist extremists who want to deny citizenship to Israeli Arabs. And it has religious extremists who claim God gave it all to them and nobody else matters. All as bad as any you will find on the Arab side. And they are actually in the current ruling Israeli government.
So the real reason for the lying talking point about 1967 borders is to deflect attention from the continued creation of facts on the ground with more settlement and more occupation. Only those who do not really want peace, need to engage in such lying talking points, over and over again. And yes, they also want to elect Republicans (and worse) in the U.S. and Likudniks (and worse) in Israel.
Which again brings to why have so many in press kept repeating the obviously false talking point? Why are they deliberately choosing to enable those who do not want peace?