The Wisconsin recall elections we have all been waiting months for are tomorrow. Daily Kos commissioned Public Policy Polling to conduct a final round of surveys over the weekend (8/5-7) to see where things stand. We polled in four races: the first three we tested
back in June (Senate Districts 32, 18 & 10), and the widest-open race of the three we checked in on
two weeks ago (SD-14). Here's what we found:
Jennifer Shilling (D): 54 (56)
Dan Kapanke (R-inc): 43 (42)
Undecided: 3 (3)
(MoE: ±3.4%)
Jessica King (D): 48 (50)
Randy Hopper (R-inc): 49 (47)
Undecided: 3 (3)
(MoE: ±2.7%)
Shelly Moore (D): 42 (45)
Sheila Harsdorf (R-inc): 54 (50)
Undecided: 4 (5)
(MoE: ±2.7%)
Fred Clark (D): 47 (49)
Luther Olsen (R-inc): 50 (47)
Undecided: 3 (4)
(MoE: ±2.8%)
The bottom line: This is too close to call. We need three wins to thwart Scott Walker, and one race is looking pretty good. But our other targets are going to be TIGHT. And there's an important caveat: Voters in Wisconsin have started getting tons of robocalls urging them to vote, and some have started just ignoring their phones altogether. Since PPP also uses automated calls, this makes it trickier for us to poll and introduces a greater element of uncertainty than usual into these numbers. So things, for all we know, could be even closer still.
That's why we need to focus on getting out the vote like crazy. Though time is short, there is still plenty you can do right now:
It's going to come down to turnout, so please help however you can during crunchtime. Let's do this thing!