You've really got to love
this chutzpah:
Facing criticism for its aggressive and politically-charged response to Tuesday's violent attacks on the American embassies in Egypt and Libya, Mitt Romney's presidential campaign is quietly advising Republicans how to respond to questions about the campaign's handling of the episode.
In talking points currently being pushed to Republican leaders and top surrogates, the Romney campaign recommends attacking President's Obama "foreign policy of weakness" and dismissing questions about how the campaign responded to the crisis last night.
That's funny because it sure doesn't seem like Republicans want Mitt Romney's advice on ... well, anything. This is, after all, the same man who can't even take a photo-op trip to our friends across the pond without insulting them. In fact, this is a man who can't open his mouth without practically
creating an international crisis. So yeah. On the long list of people whose advice Republicans seek for foreign policy and diplomacy advice, Mitt's name ranks somewhere below Sarah "I can see Russia from my house" Palin.
So what kind of presidential advice does the Romney campaign have for Republicans on how to cover his ass on his latest foot-into-mouth insertion?
"Did Governor Romney 'jump the gun' last night in releasing his statement?"
"No. It is never too soon to stand up for American values and interests."
Right. Standing up for American values and interests—like
falsely attacking the president while Americans are actually under attack. Like referring to our troops as an unimportant
"laundry list." You know. Those kinds of values and interests.
That must be the kind of "big stick" Sarah Palin had in mind when she also attacked the president. At least Mitt Romney is in brilliant foreign policy expertise company.
The Romney campaign might also want to prepare a talking point to explain why it's okay to smirk while giving such a disaster of a statement. Because they're probably going to need it.
11:21 AM PT: Oh, look. Talking points in action:

Romney: "It's never too early for the United States Government to condemn attacks on Americans, and to defend our values."
— @ZekeJMiller via TweetDeck