Fast Food Workers Speak Out
Chyna Scott
Works at McDonald's
Lives at the Bronx Shelter
with her little daughter
Joshua Williams
Works at Wendy's
Lives at the Brooklyn Shelter
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Transcript and more links below the Solidarity Squiggle.
C: I needed somewhere to live. I didn't have nobody.
J: This building is a shelter.
C: I didn't want to go to the I rather go to the shelter than anything. My name is Chyna Scott. I've been working at McDonald's for ten monthes right now.
J: I'm Joshua Williams. I've been working at Wendy's for a year and two monthes now.
C: I make only $7.25 an hour.
J: After taxes and everything, I see no more than $220. Most of every little bit of money I have goes toward my son and transportaion and food throughout the week.
C: I want to go to college. I want to give her [her little daughter] everything that my Mother didn't give to me.
J: It's a struggle, that any day I keep thinking about: it's a little bit of pay, and I'm a very hard dedicated worker, and it's a lot!
C: She be telling me, "Ma, I wanna go home." And I say, "We are home." She said, "No, this is not home." That's my goal: to get out of the shelter. But I can't get out the shelter with a 200 dollar check. That's impossible. We need a union; we have to be as one. We have to, like, stand as a team!
J: If we put in the hard and dedicated work, and the sweat, and the energy to support y'all and give y'all what y'all are looking for, then our main goal is: I believe that we should have our share too.
Workers in the $200 billion fast food industry earn so little money many are forced to rely on public assistance just to get by.
New York City's 50,000 fast food workers are joining together so they can support their families and put money back into the economy.
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The New York Labor Chorus
They have taken untold millions that they never toiled to earn
But without our brain and muscle, not a single wheel would turn.
We can break their haughty power, gain our freedom when we learn
That the Union makes a strong.
Ralph Chaplin, 1915
Solidarity Forever,