If only...
Ladies and gentlemen,
There are not red states and blue states- there are the united states. I said this 8 years ago. I still believe it. I've tried to live, and govern, by this philosophy. What this country needs isn't new Democrats or new Republicans to get its act together, it needs a new American politics. We are in a transformational age- one that doesn't focus just on a transformational election but a gradual shift over time towards irreparable harm. I am hear to tell you that I need your help in rising above, turning around, and making this the new American century with a new American politics.
You've seen it in the outright obstruction by congress in my entire term. Can't we all agree there is somethig tragically wrong with our healthcare system!? Yet not one republican voted with me to give more than 30 million of our fellow Americans health insurance.
Can't we all agree, or even just remember honestly at this point, the precipice our economy was on just 3 years ago? We were one weekend away from a global financial meltdown. Yet, again, only 1 republican voted for my stimulus package I spent months trying to negotiate on. It basically ended up with me negotiating against myself for votes that didn't exist on the Republican side to begin with. Atleast I tried.
Where is the loyal opposition? Where is the benefit of the American people once again at the heart of political decision making?! You can disagree all you want with my policies, I even ask that you do. I ask that you do so, however, in order to build BETTER policies, not come at me with outright denial to, as the Republican Senate Minority Leader said, make me "a one term president." I need a new team of rivals as Abraham Lincoln's world was rererred to. I, and this country, do not need rivals out to get me.
This new America I'm sure so many of you agree with me that we need is not truly new, it simply needs to be reborn in our populace. The world is in crisis, from the economy of Europe, to religious strife, to the climate and massive new weather patterns, and then to people simply trying to gain the democratic way of governance we achieved so recently here at home. You can disagree with me all you want, but you cannot say that I haven't tried. The bridges may be in cinders, but I've tried my best.
They burned not because of me, or even my party. They burned because the system we live in can no longer sustain the virulence of man. A new American politics does not need fawning agreement and bend-over-backward acquiescence to middle of the road policies. It needs full throated endorsements and unequivocal arguments of the right and wrong of issues, policies, and solutions. It calls for an actual opinion to be right or wrong. No longer are there " two sides to every story". No longer are there " two equally valuable opinions." Those ideals have reached their event horizon. They have brought the human race to the brink of nuclear wars, irreparable climate change, spiraling debt, and hundreds of millions of helpless yet equally worthy people around the world without accessible water, food, health care, education, or transportation. It is time we reverse this trend, and strive for something better. With America leading the way, the world can see greater peace, interdependence, and tranquility than ever before.
Wake up America, we're all In this together. Im sure you feel the inequalities, I'm sure you feel the hopelessness, I'm sure you feel the strife turmoil and desire for a better tomorrow that is out there not just at home but around the world. I'm doing my best, I need your help. I see the problems, I'm sure you do too, and I'm trying to fix them. I need your help. We are in this together, tell me youre with me! Come on America, tell me you're with me! Tell me you're with me! Together we'll make tomorrow what today should have been, together we'll rise and make tomorrow better than our dreams for today. Together we will solidify everything we have done these past 4 years and go on to bigger, brighter, and better things for the entire world. God bless you, God bless America, God bless the people of the world, it's time to wake up and determine our own destiny! Good night, on to November!