Responding to Romney's plan to kill energy production and thousands of jobs in Iowa, long time conservative Senator Chuck Grassley called Romney "stupid" and a "back stabber" at two town hall meetings.

In his unabated campaign to piss off every possible voter, Mitt Romney called for the cancellation of tax credits for wind energy, a move that would kill 37,000 good paying jobs nationwide.
In Iowa alone, 7,000 people are employed in the wind energy sector, producing a quarter of the state's electric power.
Why would Romney do something so heartless? To pay for tax cuts for the rich, naturally.
At a town hall meeting in rural Iowa, Chuck Grassley, Iowa's conservative Senator for 32 years, said,
"I'm the author of the wind energy tax credit of 1992, and there were people from outside the state came into Iowa and issued a press release that the Republican candidate for president was opposed to wind energy, and I felt it was just like a knife in my back".
Calling Romney's proposal an insult, Grassley continued his attack on the Republican standard-bearer at a different town hall meeting:
"when you think at a time of 8.2 percent unemployment there would be any question that you wouldn't want to lay off 4,000 more people in the state of Iowa and probably 25,000 people nationwide, but that's kind of what's at stake here."
Grassley concluded by saying,
"I don't know who's behind it and I'm going to find out who's behind it, and expose them and tell them how stupid their policy is." Source.
Local rank and file Republicans agreed:
"In our rural community, we're looking at which candidate is going to take care of the real Iowa," said Rob Hach, a Republican wind energy consultant from Storm Lake who met with Obama last year and says he plans to vote for the president because of his support of the tax issue.
Update I just found this. See, this is no small issue. Romney's outrage on wind energy generated a banner headline today in Iowa's largest paper.

Meanwhile, today in "Real Iowa":