For the last few years, I've been publishing a weekly listing service on Energy (and Other) Events ( that happen around Cambridge, MA in the colleges, universities, and the community. This week, I noticed that there is a lot of practical activity around energy and the churches. From now until Thanksgiving, there will be three energy upgrade parties at three different churches in three different neighborhoods of Boston and two "sustainable house of worship" workshops, one in the suburbs and one in the city.
The energy upgrade parties are organized by the Home Energy Efficiency Team or HEET ( which for years now has been teaching volunteers hands-on skills in lowering their energy bills and carbon emissions while making the building they’re in more energy efficient.
The workshops are organized by Massachusetts Interfaith Power & Light ( which has been helping houses of worship reduce energy costs through energy efficiency and a heating oil buying club through MA Energy Consumers Alliance. One of the workshops will be happening in conjunction with a HEET energy upgrade party.
I've always thought that this is how energy organizing should be done: practical efforts that increase end use efficiency, save people money while making them more comfortable in their own neighborhoods, and speed the transition to renewables. Solar barnraisings, energy upgrade work parties, we should be building our energy future now, as an act of protest against the status quo and a mechanism of liberation from it.
Power to the people, as an actual practice.
Energy Upgrade Work Party
Roxbury Presbyterian
Saturday, September 21st
328 Warren Street, Roxbury
Roxbury Presbyterian Church is a historic Presbyterian church. The gorgeous Gothic church building was constructed in 1891 by John C. Spofford and William Swanson. The warm and caring congregation is led by the well-known Rev. Liz Walker. This event's tasks will include installing efficient light bulbs and water aerators, weatherizing doors, windows and attic hatches, repainting mortar and fixing computer system preferences. This is a rescheduled event.
Please sign up here: (
Energy Upgrade Work Party
Second Church of the Nazarene, Dorchester
Saturday, September 28th
44 Moultrie St
A stop on the Underground Railroad during the Civil War, Second Nazarene Church in Dorchester needs an energy upgrade. Join HEET and Co-op Power to help the church reduce energy bills and energy use. The church has a dirt-floor basement that is exhaling a lot of cold air and moisture into the building. Learn how to install a vapor barrier in the basement inexpensively and easily. A variety of other work will also be taught.
Sign up here: (
Energy Upgrade Work Party
Emmanuel Church of Boston
October 13th - Time TBA, around 1pm-5pm
15 Newbury Street
Emmanuel Church of Boston has the most beautiful Sanctuary and chapel we've ever been in. As an additional plus, the artist who builds the Bread and Puppets' puppets has a studio in the basement. A truly amazing place to be. We'll teach you how to install pipe insulation, and how to save energy in many other ways.
Sign up here: (
Sustainable House of Worship Workshop
October 19
St. Mark's Episcopal Church, 116 South Street, Foxborough
Would your congregation like to lower its utility bills? Would you like to do what you can to decrease your use of fossil fuels, and the contribution they make to global warming? Are you interested in learning more about solar energy?
MIP&L's Sustainable House of Worship (SHOW) workshop covers all this and more, showing you how to evaluate 24 questions that will give you a comprehensive view of your house of worship's energy us and the largest opportunities for savings.
In this half-day session conducted by Massachusetts Interfaith Power & Light ( you will learn:
How to track your energy use, cost and carbon footprint
How to find no-cost and low cost projects that can have a big impact on your electricity and heating bills
How to evaluate energy using equipment and systems to determine whether they should be updated
Incentives, rebates and other financial help available through utility companies
How to get solar panels with no upfront cost
There is $10 per person fee to attend the workshop, payable during online registration through PayPal or by check. Light refreshments are included. Doors open at 8:30am and the program starts at 9am.
You will receive a set of worksheets to help you evaluate opportunities for saving energy and a CD with all the workshop materials and other helpful resources.
Who should attend: Parishes are encouraged to send two members from their environment committee, property committee or Vestry. Other members who are interested are also welcome.
Sustainable House of Worship Workshop
November 16
St. Cyprian's Episcopal Church, 1073 Tremont St, Roxbury
Would your congregation like to lower its utility bills? Would you like to do what you can to decrease your use of fossil fuels, and the contribution they make to global warming? Are you interested in learning more about solar energy?
MIP&L's Sustainable House of Worship (SHOW) workshop covers all this and more, showing you how to evaluate 24 questions that will give you a comprehensive view of your house of worship's energy us and the largest opportunities for savings.
In this half-day session conducted by Massachusetts Interfaith Power & Light ( you will learn:
How to track your energy use, cost and carbon footprint
How to find no-cost and low cost projects that can have a big impact on your electricity and heating bills
How to evaluate energy using equipment and systems to determine whether they should be updated
Incentives, rebates and other financial help available through utility companies
How to get solar panels with no upfront cost
There is $10 per person fee to attend the workshop, payable during online registration through PayPal or by check. Light refreshments are included. Doors open at 8:30am and the program starts at 9am.
You will receive a set of worksheets to help you evaluate opportunities for saving energy and a CD with all the workshop materials and other helpful resources.
The November 16 workshop will be held at St. Cyprian's Episcopal Church, 1073 Tremont St, Roxbury. Registration will be available soon and if you are interested in attending this one, to be notified when registration opens.
Who should attend: Parishes are encouraged to send two members from their environment committee, property committee or Vestry. Other members who are interested are also welcome.