From House Speaker John Boehner's press conference
QUESTION: Mr. Speaker, NRCC Chairman Walden called the Obama budget a "shocking attack on seniors." You and your party have often said that we need to reign in entitlement spending. Are Republicans going to run against Democrats next year for trying to slow the growth of entitlement spending?
SPEAKER BOEHNER: I've made it clear that I disagree with what Chairman Walden said and he and I have had a conversation about it. And I expect that, uh. This is the least that we must do to solve the problems in Social Security.
QUESTION: Would you call on Republicans next year to not attack Democrats?
BOEHNER: I've talked to Chairman Walden. Chairman Walden and I have had a conversation and we'll leave it at that.
So yeah, Boehner has totally talked to Greg Walden. And he totally believes chained CPI is "the least" that can be done to cut Social Security. But does that mean Boehner will speak out against Republicans using it as a political club against Democrats in 2014? He won't say. As Greg Sargent
says, that's the question Boehner was asked. And that's the question Boehner wouldn't answer.
And for my money, the fact that Greg Walden still has his job as head of the GOP's campaign committee even after doubling down on his attack tells you everything you need to know.