Please just stop talking for a while.
You may have heard of the odd exchange earlier this week in which Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett professed to not having any current Latino members of his administration, or at least none that he knows about, and invited folks to come suss out whether any in his staff were Latino
and report back:
MODERATOR: Do you have staff members that are Latino?
CORBETT: No, we do not have any staff members in there. If you can find us one, please let me know.
MODERATOR: I am sure that there are Latinos that…
CORBETT: Do any of you want to come to Harrisburg? See?!
Fear not, however: After realizing just how strange that sounded, Corbett's staff has returned with a new list of brown people that Corbett has hired. Well,
with one brown person. And that one brown person is the director of Corbett's Advisory Commission on Latino Affairs, which is just kinda, well … really?
The reporter breaking the news that the governor's staff have indeed identified a Latino person in their midst, apparently after a day-long office search, says, "I would have published this sooner, but I was waiting for a response from Corbett's people confirming there's really no one else."
A memo to Pennsylvania Republicans: We're good, thanks. You can stop rummaging the office looking for ethnic people now. Seriously, please stop. Corbett's response was just a bit strange, that's all anybody was saying, but actually following up with the triumphant public identification of a Latino person has now well and truly entered the realm of creepy. Just … let's move on, shall we? I think it's best if we all just pretend this whole thing never happened.