Not to be outdone by "bipartisan" senators attempting to derail President Obama's diplomatic campaign to persuade Iran to stop developing a nuclear bomb, the warhawks in the House have added their voices.
63 Bipartisan House Members seek Iran sanctions vote in Senate
Democrats and Republicans urge Senate leaders to tighten sanctions against the Islamic Republic
Note how cleverly they worked in the dog whistle "Islamic" into the title of their press release.
Observers caution that Iran has deep distrust of the U.S. and its motives and worry that imposing new sanctions at a point when Iran has come to the table and is making concessions will most likely cause diplomacy to fail. For many of the GOP, this is win-win. They get their long sought after war with Iran and they get to make President Obama's diplomacy fail.
John Kerry said, new sanctions “could lead our international partners to think that we’re not an honest broker.”
The White House has warned that Congress is providing ammunition to Iranian hardliners who want to undermine Rouhani’s more moderate approach. [WP]
According to the Washington Post, White House press secretary Jay Carney has accused lawmakers of trying to spoil negotiations in Geneva as part of a “march to war.”
The Nation quotes the powerful pro-Israel lobby, American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) as pushing hard for new sanctions
“AIPAC continues to support congressional action to adopt legislation to further strengthen sanctions, and there will absolutely be no pause, delay or moratorium in our efforts.”
But the
National Jewish Democratic Council has taken a more moderate approach:
NJDC congratulates President Obama and Secretary Kerry on the success of the P5+1 sanctions in bringing Iran to the negotiating table. We firmly believe that a diplomatic agreement to eliminate Iran’s nuclear weapon capability is preferable to military engagement.
The President should have every tool available to ensure the success of the interim agreement. Additional sanctions, such as those proposed by the Menendez-Kirk Bill, are a welcome option for the Administration should they be necessary. We encourage Congress to support the President’s foreign policy initiative by making stronger measures available should they be required. Final action on the legislation should be dependent upon Iran’s full compliance with its obligations.
Despite the best efforts of Congressional Hawks to derail the neotiations, last Sunday there was a breakthrough.
Sunday Secretary of State John Kerry said:
"As of that day, for the first time in almost a decade, Iran's nuclear program will not be able to advance, and parts of it will be rolled back, while we start negotiating a comprehensive agreement to address the international community's concerns about Iran's program
NY Times reported that
Iran and a group of six world powers completed a deal on Sunday that will temporarily freeze much of Tehran’s nuclear program starting next Monday, Jan. 20, in exchange for limited relief from Western economic sanctions.
This must have the congressional hawks gnashing their teeth.
If you'd like to see if your House member or Senator is part of the "Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran" coalition, look below the fold.
Those who have not been following the Hawai'i senate race between progressive incumbent Schatz and conserva-dem Hanabusa may not realize that Sen Brian Schatz (D-HI) (who is Jewish) is not part of the bomb Iran coalition, while his opponent, Rep Colleen Hanabusa (D-HI), has joined the AIPAC supporters in trying to derail negotiations.
House members who signed the letter urging the Senate to pass new Iran sanctions: (note that the House has already passed a bill to increase sanctions)
Andy Barr
Kerry Bentivolio
Gus Bilirakis
Kevin Brady
Susan Brooks
Paul C. Broun, M.D.
Vern Buchanan
Chris Collins
Henry Cuellar
Rodney Davis
Ron DeSantis
Mario Diaz-Balart
Michele Bachmann
Jeff Duncan
Blake Farenthold
Bill Flores
Trent Franks
Rodney Frelinghuysen
Jim Gerlach
Chris Gibson
BGene Green
Colleen Hanabusa
Brian Higgins
George Holding
Richard Hudson
Mike Kelly
Jack Kingston
Adam Kinzinger
Lynn Jenkins
David P. Joyce
Peter King
Doug LaMalfa
Leonard Lance
Robert Latta
Doug Lamborn
Daniel Lipinski
Billy Long
Michael T. McCaul
Patrick McHenry
Grace Meng
Michael Michaud
Jeff Miller
Steve Pearce
Scott Perry
Ted Poe
Tom Price, M.D.
Trey Radel
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
Peter J. Roskam
Paul Ryan
Steve Scalise
Pete Sessions
Brad Sherman
Steve Stivers
Juan Vargas
Brad Schneider
Aaron Schock
Steve Stockman
Randy Weber
Brad Wenstrup
Lynn Westmoreland
Roger Williams
Kevin Yoder
Senators who are co-sponsoring the New Iran Sanctions bill
Kirk, Mark Steven [R-IL]
Schumer, Charles E. [D-NY]
Graham, Lindsey [R-SC]
Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD]
McCain, John [R-AZ]
Casey, Robert P., Jr. [D-PA]
Rubio, Marco [R-FL]
Coons, Christopher A. [D-DE]
Cornyn, John [R-TX]
Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT]
Ayotte, Kelly [R-NH]
Begich, Mark [D-AK]
Corker, Bob [R-TN]
Pryor, Mark L. [D-AR]
Collins, Susan M. [R-ME]
Landrieu, Mary L. [D-LA]
Moran, Jerry [R-KS]
Gillibrand, Kirsten E. [D-NY]
Roberts, Pat [R-KS]
Warner, Mark R. [D-VA]
Johanns, Mike [R-NE]
Hagan, Kay [D-NC]
Cruz, Ted [R-TX]
Donnelly, Joe [D-IN]
Blunt, Roy [R-MO]
Booker, Cory A. [D-NJ]
Murkowski, Lisa [R-AK]
Manchin, Joe, III [D-WV]
Coats, Daniel [R-IN]
Vitter, David [R-LA]
Risch, James E. [R-ID]
Isakson, Johnny [R-GA]
Boozman, John [R-AR]
Fischer, Deb [R-NE]
Hatch, Orrin G. [R-UT]
Thune, John [R-SD]
Coburn, Tom [R-OK]
Chambliss, Saxby [R-GA]
Toomey, Pat [R-PA]
Wicker, Roger F. [R-MS]
Enzi, Michael B. [R-WY]
Inhofe, James M. [R-OK]
Lee, Mike [R-UT]
Scott, Tim [R-SC]
Portman, Rob [R-OH]
Alexander, Lamar [R-TN]
Grassley, Chuck [R-IA]
Barrasso, John [R-WY]
Johnson, Ron [R-WI]
Hoeven, John [R-ND]
Burr, Richard [R-NC]
Bennet, Michael F. [D-CO]
Heller, Dean [R-NV]
McConnell, Mitch [R-KY]
Cochran, Thad [R-MS]
Crapo, Mike [R-ID]
Shelby, Richard C. [R-AL]
Sessions, Jeff [R-AL]
Tue Jan 14, 2014 at 11:02 AM PT: UPDATE: Mea Culpa - an alert commenter pointed out that there really is no evidence that Iran is developing a nuclear weapon and that, in fact, U.S. intelligence sources say they are not.