Long-shot New Hampshire U.S. senate candidate Jim Rubens, who polls just 10% among Granite State Republicans versus carpetbagger and fellow-Republican Scott Brown, received a surprising boost last week in his quest to win the Republican nomination, when the predominantly liberal- and non-Republican-backed Mayday PAC endorsed his candidacy, indicating it could spend perhaps $2 million in the last nine days leading up to the primary to help Rubens win the nomination.
Mayday PAC's endorsement of Rubens was viewed with surprise to say the least, given his extreme right-wing platform and history plus non-existent chances of beating Democratic incumbent Jeanne Shaheen in the election. But Mayday supporters argue that the SuperPAC has just one goal, and only a single concern: supporting candidates who say nice things about campaign finance reform. Rubens, unlike Brown, easily jumps that low bar.
Caught off-guard last week by a Fr33mantv camera crew, Rubens had some interesting thoughts on how to deal with would-be DREAM Act beneficiaries.
Reporter: There are people who have lived their entire lives here in the United States, they’ve only known this country to be theirs. But because they’re undocumented, because their parents brought them here when they were very small, two or three years old, even those people are at risk for being deported....So do you believe that people who have grown up here their whole lives should be at risk for deportation if they’re not involved in criminal activities or doing anything otherwise wrongful?
Rubens: First we need to close the border, physically and electronically. Number one: close the border....Number two: my concern is that we have a rough unemployment situation. One out of eight Americans either don’t have a job, are underemployed, or have given up looking for a job, and the jobs we do have in the United States should go to American citizens. And we start there, and once we get that under control the American public may tolerate a discussion about what to do about the other problems associated with immigration....But first, to gain the trust of the American people, close the border and reserve the jobs we have for Americans, and go from there.
Reporter: But more specifically, do you think people who have lived here their whole lives and are now adults, became adults here, turned eighteen, do you think they should be arrested for deportation?
Rubens: Uh, I’m saying that we ought to enforce the laws we have right now, the jobs should go to Americans. So the fallout from that will result, after confidence is gained, uh, among the American people that we actually have closed the borders and that the jobs are going to Americans, then I think there will be the space for political discussion about what to do with the people who are here illegally.
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