In this series I note what I am reading and people comment with what they're reading. Sometimes, on Sundays, I post a special edition on a particular genre or topic.
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Just finished
Now reading
The Recursive Universe by William Poundstone. About recursion; quite a bit about the Game of Life that was invented by Conway.
The Peripheral by William Gibson. I got this before publication from a book review group. As usual with Gibson, he drops you in the water and tells you to swim. Complex SF on two intertwined timelines in relatively near future America. Fairly dystopian.
The Age of Atheists: How we have sought to live since the death of God by Peter Watson. Faith and atheism in the modern world.
The Past through Tomorrow by Robert Heinlein. A collection of short stories in Heinlein's future history.
Just started
A Hatful of Sky by Terry Pratchett. The 2nd in the Tiffany Aching series. Wonderful.
Struck by Genius by Jason Padgett. Jason was an ordinary guy; he held blue collar jobs, liked to hang out in clubs and sang karaoke. He wasn't great at school and certainly not at math. Then he got mugged and beaten up, got a brain injury and became a mathematical wizard.
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Readers & Book Lovers Series Schedule