Milton Wolf's idea of "beauty"
Hoo boy. Sometimes I just can't summarize stories justly, and sometimes I don't want to.
This time, it's both:
U.S. Senate candidate Milton Wolf posted a collection of gruesome X-ray images of gunshot fatalities and medical injuries to his Facebook page and participated in online commentary layered with macabre jokes and descriptions of carnage.
Wolf isn't just a distant, tea partying cousin of Barack Obama's running for Senate in Kansas—he's also a physician. And his publication of patient records on the internet, along with absolutely revolting commentary, is just beyond the pale. Here's just one example of his grotesquerie:
In a Facebook discussion of an image of the person decapitated by gunfire, Wolf shared that the X-ray was among cherished artifacts from time spent working as a medical resident at Truman Medical Centers. The graphic image shows a skull broken apart like a smashed pumpkin. Chunks of skull remain attached by tissue with vertebra exposed at the neck.
"One of my all-time favorites," Wolf posted to the Facebook picture. "From my residency days there was a pretty active 'knife and gun club' at Truman Medical Center. What kind of gun blows somebody's head completely off? I've got to get one of those." [...]
Wolf: "It reminds (me) of the scene from 'Terminator 2' when they shoot the liquid metal terminator guy in the face at close range and it kind of splits him open temporarily almost like a flower blooming. We all find beauty in different things."
He sounds like the twisted kid from
American Beauty, ogling Kevin Spacey's corpse. I've long maintained that in politics, being weird is a graver sin than being an extremist. Say something offensive about rape and
someone will defend your sorry ass. Strap your dog to the roof of your car until he messes himself down the back window and no one wants to get near you. As far as Milton Wolf is concerned, this has all the hallmarks of a Seamus incident—if he doesn't find his campaign terminated.