The GOP's growing chart may need an update. Perhaps a new bar at the bottom redefining rape as "pursuit of sexual freedom"?
It took 18 years, but Lawrence Lockman finally apologized yesterday for comments he made as press-secretary of a pro-life group on the issue of violence against women:
"If a woman has (the right to an abortion), why shouldn’t a man be free to use his superior strength to force himself on a woman?” Lockman said. “At least the rapist’s pursuit of sexual freedom doesn’t (in most cases) result in anyone’s death.”
Talk about being unfit for office.
Note to Lockman and others: if you have taken to defending rape as your argument against abortion, maybe its time to reconsider your position.
Lockman has been Gov. LePage's most staunch ally. He is the quintessential teabagger. He refused to pay his taxes, uses hate speech, and is a proud bigot. He has a decades-long history of saying stupid and very offensive comments, which would have been useful if compiled before his recent election in 2012.
He is up for re-election which may have something to do with his sudden, insincere apology.
I have never heard of a Democrat having to apologize for making rape comments... the GOP can't seem to help themselves. The Democrats need to spotlight these comments front and center because it shows the world what kind of people they really are.
Gov. LePage and Rep. Lockman. Besties.