I have marched. I have protested. I even did a few interviews.
And what I have learned in that time is that none of that matters if you don't vote.
In the last few months I have been working full time. It leaves me very little energy to engage in the kind of activism and writing I enjoy participating in. Honestly, I have missed it a lot.
So when a friend got in touch with me about a project he was working on I jumped at the chance to get involved.
The premise is simple. We need to give Democratic voters a REASON to vote, something tangible to fight for, while at the same time drawing a line in the sand for Democratic candidates as a way for them to earn our support or be replaced by someone who will.
When last I wrote I mentioned this project, now that it has gotten off the ground a bit I'd like to share it with you all and get your take on it.
Here is the website we have put up, please give it a link and check it out . . .
I have signed this pledge and I strongly encourage you to do the same. I'm tired of getting emails that just ask for $3, I want to see a Democratic party that STANDS for something, and I hope this is where it starts . . .
slightly more below the fold. . . .
Throughout my experiences as an activist I have always been a Democrat.
But I want being a Democrat to mean more than not being a Republican.
I want a Democratic party that looks less like Andrew Cuomo and more like Elizabeth Warren.
And I hope this is how that begins . . .
So please check out the website we have put up, read the Pledge we have drafted and let us know what you think. This is what real "Grassroots" looks like.
Protesting is important. So is being an activist. But being a committed voter who never misses an election is more important than anything else. Policy isn't made by whoever has the biggest protest, it is made by whoever has the biggest turnout on Election day.
And if not now, when? And if not us, who?
Once again, here is a link to the site we have set up. Please check it out and let us know what you think. Every little bit helps.
I leave the floor to you.
Peace and love to you and yours.