I have been registered with the US Green Party since I was old enough to vote.
I'm also the webmaster for the Socialist Party of CT, and in college got involved in activities of the DSA (Democratic Socialists of America).
I consider myself a real, progressive liberal, concerned with policy, principles, and the people, above party platforms. I have voted for members of various parties, all the while remaining registered as a Green, the party I feel most represents my own views.
However, for the first time in 28 years, I'm considering changing my affiliation to the Democratic Party, so I can vote in your primaries in support of Senator Bernie Sanders of VT.
Whether he gets the Democratic endorsement, or not, Sen. Sanders would have my vote, and believe that the GP, the Working Families Party, the Socialist Party USA, the DSA, and any other real progressive party should endorse Sen. Sanders.
I also think it would be awesome if he could bring Sen. Elizabeth Warren on as his running mate. That's a ticket I could definitely get behind, whether they run as Democrats or otherwise. As democrats, they represent a ticket I could get behind without for once feeling like I was simply voting "for the lesser of two evils".
I wish to clarify that I have deep respect and admiration for Dr. Jill Stein, but we all know her chances of getting elected are as diaphanous as morning mist, and the truth is, Sen. Sanders has experience far beyond Dr. Stein's in government, and is, as such, much better qualified for the job.
His platform and record (for civil rights, working class folks, healthcare, the environment, etc.) as a Senator are fantastic, too. I emphatically believe that Sen. Sanders (and Sen. Warren, if they could be persuaded to run together) would fight for, and effect, real change for the good of the American people.
Bernie's my guy. He has my vote.
I would urge any and all real progressive liberals (Greens, socialists, etc.) to consider giving Bernie their support. We need change, real change, and we need it NOW; standing on party lines and labels right now is irrelevant when we have a real, valid, and viable alternative to the same-old corporate fascist BS of the past 30 years in front of us, regardless of what party takes him on or not.
EDITED FOR CLARIFICATION: I'm decidedly NOT endorsing 3rd party candidates here; I'm endorsing YOUR guy, and urging my fellow real progressive liberals, and our 3rd parties, to do the same. For the first time in 28 years, I'm endorsing a major party ticket; that's a compliment to your party, so you can leave off with the ridiculous attacks and ad-hominen arguments (especially since none of you know anything about me).