Oh right, he's running too.
Ohio Gov. John Kasich, one of the current Republican go-to names among party leaders who correctly worry that all of the presidential candidates preferred by actual Republican voters are, well, nuts, has some choice words for the administration that granted Alaska's request to revert the name of their tallest mountain to its original name. President McKinley, you see, was
from Ohio. That should count for more than what
all those snobbish Alaskans want.
You know, I haven’t checked out the Constitution when it comes to naming mountain tops, but if I become president, I’m going to name it back to Mt. McKinley. This is not something we appreciate or agree with in Ohio.
And did I mention again I am a big cheese in Ohio? I'm going to be bringing that up a lot, because I realize most of you have no idea who I am.
The reason the mountain was named that way my understanding is a guy was out there climbing, he saw this big peak, and he wanted to celebrate the achievements of President McKinley, so he named it Mt. McKinley.
Hmm ... we'll give that
partial credit. "A guy" didn't name it that to celebrate McKinley specifically, he did it in a spat with fellow locals over the gold standard. It'd be like some guy deciding to rename Chesapeake Bay "Ron Paul" in honor of Paul's stance on shiny silver dimes, and then everyone else going along with it because what the hell, it was pretty damn funny.
As to the actual achievements of President McKinley, let's just say they were spotty at best.
If I win, we’re just going to have to them on notice that we’re just going to have to change all the signs back. Maybe they shouldn’t take the signs down, and they should leave them up, because when I get in, I’m going to move it back.
Hey, every other government institution has become paralyzed by Republican legislative whiplash, might as well take it down to the roadside sign level.
All right, so it's John Kasich. He's from the state McKinley was from, so it's only natural that he decree Ohio's will should trump Alaska's will even in Alaska, or at least has to say so when someone asks. Unlike all the other Republicans feigning shuddering bouts of outrage over this, it's entirely possible that Kasich was aware there was an ex-president named McKinley before rising to McKinley's geographic defense.