With a targeted goal of
$50,000 via indiegogo and direct support of the Brown Family Writer, Director ("
The Youngest Candidate"), Producer ("
Slacker Uprising") and Cinematographer ("
Fahrenheit 9/11")
Jason Pollock is attempting to fund a documentary to correct the narrative on the Ferguson Missouri shooting of unarmed teenager Michael Brown, and
reveal to all the cover-up that took place right before our eyes.
Writing in Huffington Post Jason explained why he was taking up this particular project
FERGUSON COVER-UP isn't about the burning of Ferguson; it's the why it did. It's about why so many took to the streets and it will show the injustice that took place to Michael Brown on that hot summer day last August.
From the very moment that Michael's body hit the pavement that day a carefully crafted campaign of misinformation, manipulation, and outright lying has taken place by the Ferguson Police Department, the St Louis Police Department, and the St Louis Prosecutor's office.
The 24/7 right wing media have constantly perpetuated these lies, and they were so well crafted that they tricked CNN and many other outlets into falsely reporting the issue over and over again.
Sadly, because of all this distortion, the average American thinks that justice was served to Michael Brown and his family, and that Darren Wilson should be a free man. These views could not be further from the truth.
Video Trailer and additional background over the flip.
Seeing tweets on the project I reached out and contacted Jason leading to an impromptu interview and detailed conversation, both on twitter and then on the phone, about the facts of the case based the various diaries I've written about the DOJ failure to make a determination on vital gunshot evidence which prevented them from charging Officer Wilson, how St Louis County Police made critical errors, how Officer Wilson's story changed and doesn't fit the physical and forensic evidence, how the Grand Jury was tainted and misdirected with incorrect instructions, how one witness - who was completely biased for Officer Wilson - was allowed to perjure herself even though the Prosecutor and FBI knew she was lying about even being there, and how Micheal himself - an unarmed teenager who was shot down in the street while all reasonable evidence indicates was in the midst of surrendering - was turned systematically into a vicious, dangerous, "self-armed" reefer-crazed thug worthy of nothing except instant death.
Jason's first answer about Michael essentially set the tone.
V: Why did you want to do this film?
Jason: Michael Brown is the Emmet Till of our generation.
V: Well yeah, one of them, unfortunately. What do you think of the suggestion that Michael's friend Dorian who was with him essentially set a "false" narrative of "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" in motion?
Jason: Dorian Johnson's story has basically been the same since the incident, but the media has taken excerpts to make it seem like he's been telling different stories. We need to focus on things people said that day. Darren Wilson changed his story a lot since that day.
V: Yes, he claimed that he didn't know Michael had cigarillos in his hand, said he didn't see them. Then later after the store video appeared he changed his story and said he saw them and that's why he called for backup and went back toward Johnson and Brown.
Jason : He obviously had to change his story. that's exactly what he did. it was astonishing to see, how they asked him nothing. they just let him say his story.
V: And there was the construction workers, who were on youtube, reacting and showing Michael had his hands up right then and there?
Jason: Yes, they were right there in the moment.
V: What do you hope this film will accomplish? Do you think you can truly reveal this as a cover-up?
Jason: I believe that when this is all done, it will not be a question it will be historical fact. It will validate what happened in Ferguson - the protest happened because of the cover-up. If you're black in St. Louis, you know what I'm talking bout - but white America is not there yet. I saw that with Michael Moore when I worked on Fahrenheit. They came after him, but that film is taught in schools now. It's part of history.
V: What are you going to do with the proceeds?
Jason: A large portion of all the film's proceeds have already been committed to the Brown family, their legal defense fund, and others in Ferguson. We hope this film will help give back to this community. I have their full cooperation and we will have exclusive interviews with them in the film. We have many local activists working and community leaders working with us including Scott Green the Mayor of Normandy Mo., which is right next to Ferguson. Michael had just graduated from Normandy High School. Other films are made about other tragedies, you should really think about where your profits are going. you should really go about it in a moral way. People are going to hear from [the Brown Family] in a new way.
And on Twitter:
The reason I brought up the above is because of problem I noticed in the video animation of his trailer which seems to indicate that Michael turned and immediately dropped to his knees as indicated by some of the witnesses, but their is a 21ft blood trail that shows that Michael did stop and turn back toward Officer Wilson and shell casing scattered along that trail showing that Wilson was retreating as he fired.
This is a critical issue because without explaining that Brown did turn around and then began stumble and fall forward as he was repeatedly shot, you don't have an answer for the "he charged" claim. Michael was 6'4", so if he "charged" it was only for 15 feet in approximately 4-6 seconds, which averages to about 1.53 to 3 mph. That's walking speed at best.
We talked for quite some time and went over a great many of the cases specifics, his knowledge and familiarity with the case was quite impressive.
One of the issues we talked about was fact that if you're going to reveal the cover-up at the center of this case on the part of the FBI and DOJ forensics, you have to force people watching the film to logically answer one issue which both the Grand Jury and DOJ failed, and refused, to answer.
Michael Brown had various gun shot wounds in his body including his head, shoulder and right arm. One bullet wound hit him in the back of his right bicep, another grazed him in the forearm with the bullet moving - if your arm was resting at your side with palms backward - from back to front with a downward trajectory. The question is how do either of those wounds happen if Wilson's story, that he didn't fire at Brown after he exited the SUV until after Brown had stopped, turned and was facing him again?
How's he hit him in the back of the bicep while he's facing Wilson? How's he hit the back of his forearm? The DOJ didn't even try to answer this, they just said that the arm is "mobile" and they couldn't determine what position it was in when Wilson fired.
From Page 19 of DOJ Report.
Given the mobility of the arm, it is impossible to determine the position of the body relative to the shooter at the time the arm wounds were inflicted. Therefore, the autopsy results do not indicate whether Brown was facing Wilson or had his back to him. They do not indicate whether Brown sustained those two arm wounds while his hands were up, down, or by his waistband. The private forensic pathologist opined that he would expect a re-entry wound across Brown’s stomach if Brown’s hand was at his waistband at the time Wilson fired. However, as mentioned, there is no way to know the exact position of Brown’s arm relative to his waistband at the time the bullets struck. Therefore, these gunshot wounds neither corroborate nor discredit Wilson’s account or the account of any other witness. However, the concentration of bullet wounds on Brown’s right side is consistent with Wilson’s description that he focused on Brown’s right arm while shooting.
The arm is indeed very mobile, but if Wilson's is the story your going to believe or the three who seem to corroborate, even though one of those
wasn't even there, another had an obstructed view and the third was nearly a football field away as Jason pointed out to me - not the other eight witness who contradict Wilson - and you go with the idea that they were always face-to-face as Wilson fired...
How's he get hit in the back of his bicep?
This is an issue that was address even early on by Dr. Cyril Wecht.
If you went to a mirror and tried to put your arm in a position where you can see the back of your own bicep the positions you have to put it in are just plain ridiculous. And if you do the same thing to see the back of your forearm lined up with your eyes in the mirror you know where you hands are?
They're up, palms forward, in a position of surrender.
Cases like this can get drowned in a ton of rhetoric and counter rhetoric. One witnesses opinion and view versus another witness view. That was how some were able to brush aside the devastating testimony of Richard Clarke in Fahrenheit once they accepted the narrative that he was "disgruntled over being demoted" by the Bush Administration. But IMO if Jason can create that "Aha!" moment with facts like these even for those who might want to believe that Micheal Brown really was a Thuggish Strong-Arm Robber who was just looking for a Cop to beat and "crush his orbital socket" (another false narrative that Jason pointed out) - for me this is the kind of simple obvious logic that you just can't get around no matter how you try. It's this kind of fact of physical evidence that unravels all the bogus claims, rationalizations, justifications and excuses offered by the Police, the DA and the FBI for the cold-blooded murder of a teenager. This is right at the heart of the cover-up.
Unless people just plain choose to ignore it.
I don't generally endorse anyone's crowdfunded project. Only when i think it's worth it.
With only $3,300 raised so far as I type this, Jason and those who support the Brown family are going to put pedal to the metal to make sure they reach their goal and have a decent chance to make sure people can't ignore issues like this, that they never forget it, and history get's written the right way.
Here's a direct message from Jason and others supporting the making of this film including Mayor Green.