Dear Keep Your Promise Followers,
Yes, I'm writing an open letter to the followers of Keep Your Promise, a politically mixed, loose alliance of folks who work to shine a light on cuts to military benefits. And I'm specifically writing this to those who believe so strongly in conservative values that they can't be bothered to engage with the likes of me.
For example, here is follower Bob F.:
The crap has gotten to real in the US for me to tolerate any BS from the left. As far as I'm concerned, you support Obama or vote Democrat, you are as much an enemy to my liberty and my children's future as any terrorist. If that pisses anyone who reads this off....Good.
Or Dayton H.:
We have to choose sides because one side is RIGHT and the other side is WRONG! And it is clear what is right and what is wrong, it's all about morality, and liberals are the most vile, immoral minded people I know, and can justify the most vile and loathsome acts, policies, behaviors etc. one can imagine.
I have a message for folks like Bob and Dayton.
I am a liberal. Or a progressive. Call me what you will.
I love my country.
I support my husband while he serves our country.
I consider both my husband and myself patriots.
I am not stupid.
I am not immoral.
I am not a terrorist.
And neither are other liberals or progressives that follow Keep Your Promise.
I never thought I would have to write a letter to those in the military community and ask them to respect one another. Of course we're not going to agree on everything... or even on most things. But if your political sensibilities are so easily offended by a single cartoon from Daily Kos, then maybe you shouldn't play in the sandbox. We'd hate to hurt your feelings again.
For those of you who are so blindsided by hate that you cannot see that I am not your enemy, I suggest that you find yourself a small cabin the woods, take your weapons with you, and those family and friends you deem essential, and hide for a while. Because people like me are here to stay. Your hatred won't scare us away.
For those of you reading this that are wondering what in the hell is going on, let me say that the current Congressional stand off for funding the Department of Homeland Security has shown a definite split in the KeepYourPromise community.
Those who want to see a repeal of the President's Executive Order on immigration are willing to see the DHS shutdown, even though that would ironically affect border patrol. Can't imagine those officers on the border will take very kindly to having their paychecks stopped while they still have to show up for work. It would also affect thousands of families in the Coast Guard. Many of whom can't afford to go without a paycheck even when they know their salary will be given back at a later time.
Other Keep Your Promise followers seem to believe that taking the issue of immigration and voting on it separately would be the most sensible course. Especially since the courts have taken up the issue. We don't have a method to poll, so we can't be sure of exact numbers. But needless to say, there is a firm disagreement. But, at the end of the day, KeepYourPromise must support military families and that means passing this budget so that no Coast Guard family has to figure out how to make ends meet.
Last night, I posted the Daily Kos cartoon on our page. Many conservatives roared - how dare we post something so partisan. The cartoon shows a clown car full of Republicans, John Boehner not driving, just tooting a horn, unable to find the exit on the highway, the exit that takes them to a successful passing of the DHS funding. Not even a clean bill, necessarily.
Yet when we posted a meme making fun of Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, a political appointee, we never heard an uproar. Especially not from conservatives.
When we posted articles critical of the President and his cutting of military pay and benefits, we never heard an uproar.
Ironically, when we post articles critical of John McCain, we don't hear much of an uproar either. At least, not an uproar directed at Keep Your Promise. Maybe he's not really a Republican anymore.
We post plenty that criticizes both sides. And to the point that liberals have sometimes questioned our motives:
As a card carrying liberal and very proud veteran spouse and mom, and longtime advocate, I've stuck with KYP even through some of what I considered disrespectful posts concerning the current administration and support of the Speaker. but some of the comments on here - are making me question my remaining on this page. really.
KYP follower Karen S.
The truth is our volunteers are a mixed bag politically. Behind the scenes, we have hashed out differences before posting. But not always. We have worked together for over a year and try our damnedest to post in ways that promote a healthy debate on the issues.
And we'll keep doing so. We hope that our followers support us even when they don't agree 100% with the content of our posts.
If you would like to start following KeepYourPromise, please like our Facebook page. And try to be polite to the rudest among us. Slurs and insults only take us down to the level of a few politicians we love to hate.