A two step program
1] Educate women
2] Easy access to multiple forms of free birth control.
In every country, even regions of rapidly expanding population [eg India] where women are educated and there are generally high literacy [eg Kerela] rates there are fewer children. In Kerela there is an average of 1.5 children per family.
I don't believe you need laws and draconian programs.
The only reason for large families was that so few children survived to adulthood.
The right may say any women that uses contraception is a slut backed up by the more extreme forms of religious dogma.
It is obvious and I am not alone in this:
Surveys in developing countries indicate that most women of childbearing age would like to increase the spacing between their pregnancies or stop having children altogether. There are 300 million couples in the developing world who do not want any more children but who are not using any effective means of limiting family size.(103) If women who do not want to become pregnant are empowered to exercise that choice, population growth rates in the developing world fall by about 30%.(104) By making family planning services universally available, providing financial incentives to allow women to realize their goal of a smaller family, and improving prenatal and infant health care and the education of women, the world's population can be stabilized.
This would lead to more abortion because of increased promiscuity scream the right
Such a program would have a cost averaging $10.5 billion per year for ten years.(105) An investment of this kind and magnitude would increase national and world stability and help to insure progress in all of the other initiatives. There would be a large reduction in the more than 36.5 million illegal abortions performed each year-and in the attendant 180,000 deaths of young women per year as a result of bungled abortions.(106) In addition, infant and maternal death rates would decline substantially as improvements in female educational opportunities steadily raise the literacy rate for women. Family incomes in developing nations would also grow under the plan, as a result of high rates of education and better health. The experiences of developed nations suggest that the population stabilization program would become self-sustaining when combined with the successes of the other strategies listed in this Report
The economic reasons alone make sense.
Keep treating women as chattel and second class citizens and the the results will be catastrophic.
It is long past time some religions caught up with the reality. Rather than thinking how much wealth can be generated for an all so few, that this wealth was used to make our chances of survival a given.
Stop complaining about population control and how the resources of the planet are stretched to breaking and do something about it, educate women. This is probably the cheapest and easiest solution out there.
Just a thought