Remember when Bill Frist a renowned heart surgeon and Senate majority leader diagnosed Terri Schiavo as not being in a “persistent vegetative state” despite the opinions of her own doctors. Frist had seen a video of her and diagnosed Schiavo from many miles away. He said, “She certainly seems to respond to visual stimuli.” When she died her autopsy showed she was blind. Frist received an immense amount of criticism as he should have. A diagnosis needs a full assessment of the patient and often requires advice from other professionals. I am a Social Worker who can diagnose mental health disorders in Ohio. So in the following remarks I will talk about Donald Trump and his narcissistic tendencies. Please understand that in no way am I saying Trump has a true narcissistic personality disorder nor am I making a diagnosis. I’m just saying.
Here are the main criteria for narcissistic personality disorder from The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders from the American Psychiatric Association.
Since childhood or adolescence, was unkind, greedy, arrogant, and callously exploited others. Felt superior to others and didn’t respect the feelings and needs of others. This was not due to a medical or substance use disorder.
Occupational-Economic: Works poorly with others (self-centered, can’t tolerate criticism or defeat)Attention-seeking (requires excessive admiration)
Antagonism: Arrogant, manipulative, greedy, callous, has a sense of entitlement, snobbish or patronizing attitudes
The Donald had a privileged childhood. His father, Frederick Trump, was a builder and real estate developer who specialized in constructing and operating middle-income apartments in the Queens, Staten Island, and Brooklyn sections of New York. Due to his families wealth he was able to attend the Wharton School of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania, from which he graduated in 1968 with a degree in economics.
After Trump began his empire by taking on huge projects that made tons of money, many people may not realize that at one time he was near bankruptcy. His fiefdom has been built with money from banks and bondholders. When the economy took a nosedive he was essentially being babysitted by these entities. His own personal net worth went from $1.7 billion to $500 million. He may not be the outstanding businessman he wants us to believe he is.
Trump also lost in a deal involving TV personality Merv Griffin. The Donald wanted to take Resorts International Inc. private, but the deal was thwarted by Griffin and Trump finally had to agree to his demands. One of the traits we have seen Trump exhibit lately is his contention that he was a winner in everything he has been involved in. Similarly, after clearly losing to Griffin Trump’s cabal sought to dispel any talk that he had backed down or that he could be branded the loser. This seems to indicate that Trump has difficulty accepting defeat.
Moreover, recently when Obama released his official birth certificate which proved that Trump’s suspicions were incorrect. Instead of saying I was wrong, he took credit for being the one who forced Obama to release his long-form birth certificate. Which is crazy when you realize Obama already knew what it said. He could have released it at any time he wanted to. Also, when Trump began being dropped by his business partners like Macy’s he stated he was the one who dropped them. It’s funny he dropped them right at the same time he made despicable remarks about immigrants. Again, he can’t stand defeat and will manipulate the facts until they satisfy his psyche.
Of course with Macy’s Trump used his favorite weapon, the lawsuit. He once sued satirical comic Bill Mahr for saying his parents were orangutans because of the color of his hair. He later quietly dropped the lawsuit.
He manipulated sales of his book “The Art of the Deal” He himself bought 4,000 copies of the book for each of his two casino’s. When he couldn’t sell the inventory he started giving them away to guests for free.
He is also antagonistic. One of his former CEO’s said he was at times racist. When speaking about one of his black accountants he said, “…laziness is a trait in blacks…” and “I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and at Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it…”
Narcissist’s work poorly with others, are self-centered, and can’t tolerate criticism. This may prove little, but he has been married three times.
They also seek attention. Trump puts his name in big letters on everything he owns.
Furthermore, how big of a snob do you have to be to feel like you have to run around telling everyone how rich you are?
Narcissist’s also require excessive admiration. He told David Letterman that his ties were the best in the world. Then looked stunned when Letterman pointed out they were made in China, a country he has said is an economic enemy of America. He builds, the greatest casino’s, the best golf courses, and the most lavish resorts. According to the Donald, he has the Midas touch.
Interestingly, he is terrified of growing bald and of disease. That must explain his “Flock of Seagulls” hair and his desire to wash his hands after shaking them with someone. According to one former employee, he is also a notoriously bad tipper.
I suggest you read an article at The Huffington Post by Jim Wallis who is the Christian leader for social change and President and Founder @Sojourners. The article is called Donald Trump: Narcissist in Chief. He has the same idea as I do about the Donald being a narcissist, but uses a different angle than myself.
Do you want a possible narcissist for president? Is this a man you want staring across the table at Putin. Putin won’t buy his BS. Trump can’t sue him, can’t tell him how rich he is, and doesn’t care how many buildings Trump has his name on. I believe Trump is invoking the old Republican playbook. Use racism, outrageous comments, and lies to bamboozle the low information white voter. However, I think Americans are getting smarter and the number of idiots who believe this crap are growing smaller. I truly believe the current crop of Republican presidential candidates are running for the chance to get their asses kicked by Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders in 2016. Is Trump a narcissist? I don’t know. I ain’t diagnosing, I’m just saying.