Ted Cruz is feeling sassy after winning Utah's 40 delegates Tuesday night (to Trump's 58 from Arizona) and snagging the endorsements of Jeb! Bush and the conservative Club for Growth (which has been running anti-Trump ads). Time for John Kasich to throw in the towel, he says.
Ted Cruz is suggesting he'd find a place for Republican rival John Kasich in his future administration if Kasich agrees to drop out of the presidential race and supports him.
Cruz noted that it's mathematically impossible for Kasich to reach the 1,237 delegates needed to secure the GOP nomination. So the only role Kasich is playing now is that of a "spoiler" by taking votes that could have gone to Cruz. And that is only serving to help front-runner Donald Trump, Cruz says.
In an interview Wednesday on CNN's "New Day," Cruz said of Kasich: "I think he'd be a tremendous addition to an administration."
Here's the delegate count coming out of Tuesday:
Trump: 739
Cruz: 465
Kasich: 143