Check out the video below to get an idea of the action;
I’ve been involved with many Honks for Bernie specially at the Sepulveda and Ventura intersection across from the Sherman Oaks Galleria one of the busiest intersections in Los Angeles and I can tell that the number of honks has increased. The first time we did it I diaried about it; The political revolution comes to Sepulveda and Ventura.
Here we are at the honk last Wednesday.
Los Angeles is all about commuting and traffic so it makes sense to do these events.
This is all organized by volunteers. When we do these events we also organize phonebanking parties, Nevada canvassing trips and all sorts of events like the Rose Parade March. And we flyer and give bumper stickers and have fun with other Berners and recruit new ones.
Phonebanking for Bernie into Nevada at one of the last cyber cafes
Flyering at the NoHo Metro station
I have never seen such enthusiasm for a political candidate. Bernie has changed the way things function in politics and I believe the movement has legs beyond next November. What has to be done in all the issues, from Single Payer to money out of politics and from a new Glass-Steagall to no more being the world cop will happen if the growing grassroots movement continues the political revolution inspired by Bernie.
And one day, all cars in Los Angeles will be electrical and powered by renewable energy. Since Bernie understands that global warming is one of the biggest threats we ever faced, that day will be sooner than otherwise.
Traffic on the 405 when we got started.