It sounds like Sen. John McCain is a full participant in the loathing for Sen. Ted Cruz shared by just about everyone who’s ever spent much time around Cruz. Because McCain, who was born outside the United States and then became the Republican nominee for president, thinks there are legitimate questions about whether Cruz, born in Canada to an American mother, is a natural born citizen eligible for the presidency:
“I don’t know the answer to that,” said McCain on the Chris Merrill Show on KFYI550 on Wednesday of Cruz’s eligibility. “I know it came up in my race because I was born in Panama, but I was born in the Canal Zone which is a territory. Barry Goldwater was born in Arizona when it was a territory when he ran in 1964.” [...]
“Yeah, it was a U.S. military base,” continued McCain about his own birth. “That’s different from being born on foreign soil so I think there is a question. I am not a Constitutional scholar on that, but I think it’s worth looking into. I don’t think it’s illegitimate to look into it.”
McCain’s being a little more diplomatic here than Donald Trump was when questioning Cruz’ eligibility, but waaayyy more hilarious, given his own birth.
Back in 2008, McCain’s Senate colleagues came together—Republicans and Democrats, including then-Sen. Barack Obama—to issue a nonbinding resolution insisting that he was a natural born citizen. Would McCain extend Cruz that courtesy? It sure doesn’t sound like he’s volunteering to draft and sponsor it.