On Sept. 17th I put a poll on about how long you thought Kellyanne Conway would stay on with
Trump. I put another one on after this first debate.
According to NBC “campaign manager Kellyanne Conway, normally Trump's go-to spokeswoman and his most prominent female advocate, dropped out of planned appearances on Sunday shows.”
It’s hard to believe it’s only three weeks later that we have a breaking news story which suggests she may very well be leaving:
A source within the campaign also strongly implied to NBC News that Conway was considering leaving the campaign in the midst of the latest turmoil.
"Kellyanne is a good practicing Catholic," the source said. "She's thinking 'I have kids. Is this what I want?' She's never shied away from the role her faith plays in her life."
Conway did not respond to a request from NBC News, but told the New Yorker's Ryan Lizza on Saturday she was not quitting the campaign. She also tweeted a photo on Sunday of her and Priebus flying with Trump to St. Louis for the debate. NBC story.
So time you put on your informed divination hat, and take another poll.
Sunday, Oct 9, 2016 · 9:05:29 PM +00:00
Thanks to rubber in the comments for this revealing and troubling information from the Southern Poverty Law3 Center about both Kellyanne Conway and Steve Bannon, which the MSM missed:
They both belong to a secretive group, the Council for National Policy (CNP) whose members include some people who really do belong in the basket of deplorables:
The CNP is not controversial so much for the conservatives who dominate it — activists of the religious right and the so-called “culture wars,” along with a smattering of wealthy financiers, Congressional operatives, right-wing consultants and Tea Party operatives — as for the many real extremists who are included.
They include people like Michael Peroutka, a neo-Confederate who for years was on the board of the white supremacist League of the South; Jerome Corsi, a strident Obama “birther” and the propagandist hit man responsible for the “Swift boating” of John Kerry; Joseph Farah, who runs the wildly conspiracist “news” operation known as WorldNetDaily; Mat Staver, the Liberty Counsel leader who has worked to re-criminalize gay sex; Philip Zodhaites, another anti-gay activist who is charged with helping a self-described former lesbian who kidnapped her daughter from her former partner and fled the country; and a large number of other similar characters.