Things are getting hinky in South Dakota. It should be as red as Trump’s face in full fury at one of his rallies. So why was it necessary for (R) Senator John Thune to suddenly turn around, denounce his support and withdraw his endorsement, even calling for Trump to step aside? In a recent diary I compared the Trump implosion to the Fukushima power plant disaster. I think John Thune’s Geiger counter is going off with the approaching radioactive Trump cloud, and he doesn’t have a bio-hazard suit.
This did not go over well with the Trump base in South Dakota. According to a report on The Argus Leader, Trump’s supporters all have their noses bent far out of shape. He has been deluged with tweets and Facebook rants ordering him to step aside for his apostasy. What with The Trumpster Fire now whipping his supporters into a Guinness head froth against the down ballot traitors, what do you think the chances are that the South Dakota chapter of “Trump or else” maniacs will come out on election day, punch Trump’s hole and then go home? I’m betting well to the upside of 50-50.
Fortunately, we have a fully qualified, personally compelling candidate to take over, Jay Williams. I recently wrote a DIARY on Jay, he is solid. And now he’s going to get his chance head on! There are a series of upcoming televised debates between him and John Thune. Here are the first two, Thursday October 13 at 8:00 PM, broadcast on SD Public Television, and Friday October 14 at 8:00 PM and covered on KELO Television. This is a great chance for people to compare the two candidates side by side, looking at each other. If you live locally, I strongly suggest you spread the word to everybody you know, and to tune in to see Jay for yourself.
If you’d like to learn more about Jay and his positions, click HERE. To donate you can go HERE. And to volunteer, you can click HERE. You can tell how worried John Thune is if he’s willing to debate Jay Williams, please, lets promote the hell out of this, and get Jay Williams as much recognition and consideration we can!
Thanks as always for reading, you are ALL the wind beneath my wings!
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